Ab Exercises

Most people have trouble with their stomachs when they are trying to lose weight. This is often the first place were a few extra pounds show up, and when you are losing, this is where the last few stubborn pounds seem to stay. Though you can do ab exercises to help get rid of your…

Abdominal Exercise

If you want to lose some extra pounds around your middle, you may want to do an abdominal exercise to get the look you want. Don’t concentrate on doing them too much, however, as it is more complicated that just doing an exercise. In order to get rid of excess on your belly, you need…

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The Top Fat Loss Secrets for Flat Six-Pack Abs and a Lean Stomach

an interview by Geovanni Derice with Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer GD: Welcome Mike to our 4-ever-Toned Fitness Journal. For those who do not know you, please tell us a few things about yourself and how you can help our readers with their fitness and health. MG: Thanks for having me,…