Weight Lifting Exercise

A lot of people begin exercising because they want to get “big”. They start a weight lifting routine, hoping that it will make them feel stronger, more powerful, and more confident. In reality, however, doing weight lifting exercise without a suitable cardiovascular program can be very dangerous. Weight lifting exercises are good, but they are…

Weight Exercise

We’re here to PUMP YOU UP! Surely you recall those old “Saturday Night Live” episodes with Dana Carvy and Kevin Neiland. It was all about pumping iron and getting ripped. Okay, maybe not so much. But, these guys were on the right track by encouraging weight exercise routines. After all, this is the best way…

Ways to Gain Weight

It’s only natural for human beings to want to look their best. Sometimes this means sun bathing, other times it means seeing a dermatologist for acne treatments. Maybe you need to drop 20 pounds or grow out your hair after a bad dye job. Believe it or not, it can even mean putting on a…

Strengh Training Exercise

There are many approaches to strength exercises, and not all of them come from the same philosophy. People used to think about the strength exercise in a pretty limited way. Back in the day, strength training exercise programs consisted of lifting heavy weights. Basically, it was thought that the more weight that you could lift,…

Put On Weight

Even though we have hundreds of things to worry about each day, most people worry about their weight first and foremost. I always thought it was just those who thought they had to lose weight that obsess, but I know a lot of people who our an ideal weight who worry that they might put…