Online Life Coaching – Do We Have Free Will?

Knowing whether or not you have free will begins with self observation. Certainly, you have the free will choice whether or not you can stop reading or continue reading this article. If you would like to have chicken for dinner rather than fish, you certainly have the free will to decide which one to have. If you decide to watch a particular program on TV, then you certainly have a choice as to what to watch. From these somewhat superficial perspectives, you could say that you do indeed possess free will.

On the other hand, if you go to bed tonight and you can’t go to sleep because you begin worrying about your problems, then it should become apparent to you that you don’t have free will. Surely, you would rather be getting a good night’s rest. Or lets say that you go to the supermarket and someone in front of you in line is making you wait a very long time and you become anxious because of this when you’d prefer be calm. From this perspective, you would not have free will because you’ve allowed the person in front of you to take your peace of mind.

Let’s say your partner makes a comment that agitates you and you react with anger because of something he said, then where’s the free will there? If you have allowed him to anger you, when you would be prefer to be at peace, then you’ve surrendered your free will to him by allowing him to push your buttons.

In another example, let’s say that the air conditioner in your house goes out because of a record-breaking heat wave and the cost is more than you can afford, and because of this you become stressed. You begin to worry about being able to pay for it and as a result you’ve caused yourself great grief and anxiety. Here, you’ve allowed a challenge to become a problem while your surrender your peace of mind and your free will in the process.

And so, as we have illustrated here, whether or not you have free will is a matter of perspective. You have a certain amount of free will, to be sure. But until you learn to accept the present moment as it is, then your free will is always going to be minimal. The ego takes over, your pain-body takes over, and before you know it, you have transformed yourself into a different person. You are the mercy of unconscious forces because you are taken over by your daily challenges and situations. What happens to you, no matter how big or how small, rules your life.

Learning how to practice presence in your daily life requires that you surrender to the present moment. When you surrender to it, you retain your free will. It’s as if you are saying to the universe, “I trust you and I love you what you bring to me unconditionally.” It is here, in this state of inner peace that you have relinquished your attachment to life’s challenges. And only then will you be free.

Jason Lincoln Jeffers is an Online Life Coach and the founder of The Art of Transformation, a company devoted to teaching Self Realization to the masses. His Online Life Coaching practice uniquely synthesizes spiritual wisdom with self transcendence, holistic wellness, life path astrology, shadow & pain-body work, heart-based intention, the power of presence, and the law of attraction.

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