Spiritual Life Coaching: The Power of Presence

Most people believe that they can control every challenge that arise in their daily lives. They also believe that they can control other people, especially those with whom they’re close to such as family, friends, or a partner. And it is this belief that leads to much of their suffering. Believing that you can control or alter what already is is nothing less than delusional thinking. In fact, it’s nothing less than insane. Yet the chaos that we observe in the world today is a large-scale reflection of an undiscovered truth that, nearly everyone is, to a large degree, saying “no” to what already is.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Stop Attracting Mental Bullies

If you have a heavy pain-body, you’ll probably be attracting mental bullies to you like a bar magnet to steel. They will seek you out, come up to you out of nowhere, yell at you from across the street, send hateful emails to you, and this will all happen despite the fact that you do everything in your power to keep out of sight and “fly underneath the radar.”

Spiritual Life Coaching – Entering a Realm of Non-Thought

You don’t have to be of this world to be in it. This does not mean that you should become uncaring to what is. Contrarily, it means having so much compassion for every life form in the world, that you will not perpetuate one modicum of the egoic-drama that unfolds on the world stage from day to day. It means being on the outside looking in. It’s about loving the way things are, rather than how you want them to be. This is the perspective of the Self Realized.

Spiritual Life Coaching: A Guided Meditation for Healing Your First Trauma

This Spiritual Life Coaching exercise will help you to commence a new and transcendent path filled with peace, joy, and tranquility. It is a guided meditation for those who seek to heal their primal wound and early childhood trauma. If you practice it once three times a week for three months, you should begin to transcend your emotional pain-body and dissolve your toxic emotions…for good.

Finding the Right Online Life Coach for You

Ideally, the best online life coaching should meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate tools for your healing. The transformational tools that are utilized by your online life coach should empower you to reach your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives. When looking for the best online life coach for you, it is wise to determine whether or not he or she is an expert on the following healing modalities:

Spiritual Life Coaching – Protecting Yourself from Bullies in the Workplace

In the workplace, pain-body bullies will seek out pain-body victims amongst co-workers or subordinates. Sometimes it happens when the bully is a boss or superior who feels that they have earned a “free pass” to mentally bully subordinates. Whatever the case, the bully will act as a pain transmitter who garners temporary relief from their own pain by transferring it on to a receiver, i.e. victim or prey. If you have been a victim and you are truly ready to draw healthy boundaries, then you will benefit greatly from Spiritual Life Coaching.

Spiritual Life Coaching: The Best Modalities

Spiritual Life Coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the modalities tailored for your spiritual growth. Specific transformational modalities for Spiritual Life Coaching will be used to provide you with the tools, techniques, and psychology you’ll need to actualize your spiritual objectives. The best transformational modalities are as follows:

The Best Online Life Coaches and Online Life Coaching Programs

The best online life coaches will address your individual needs, establish your specific goals and implement the appropriate life-changing modalities for your personal growth. These life coaching modalities will be implemented to provide you with all the tools, techniques, and psychology you’ll need to actualize your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives.