Natural Bleeding Hemorrhoids Solutions

When the veins in and around the anal canal become swollen it is called hemorrhoids. These veins lie just beneath the skin. As the hemorrhoids become larger you will experience a lot of discomfort. It can become so bad you will have difficulty sitting or even standing. These hemorrhoids can occasionally cause bleeding. This is why you need to know more about what happens when you have a bleeding hemorrhoid.

Regardless whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids you can experience rectal bleeding. The problem comes when excess pressure is applied to these swollen veins, causing them to bleed. Some individuals will be more susceptible to bleeding hemorrhoids because they have weak vein walls. There are other factors that can cause your hemorrhoids to bleed.

Chronic constipation is a big factor when it comes to developing a bleeding hemorrhoid. Constipation will cause straining and pressure. It also produces very hard stools. This combination will play havoc on the inflamed tissue of the swollen veins causing them to bleed. If you have a weight problem this can contribute to your hemorrhoid problem also. Abdominal weight will put pressure on the swollen hemorrhoid veins and cause bleeding to occur.

You can treat your bleeding hemorrhoids at home. All you need to do is fill a tub with warm water and add some apple cider vinegar to the bath. This natural home remedy can help reduce swelling and reduce bleeding. You can also use witch hazel on your hemorrhoids to help shrink the swollen tissue. Even though you have these home remedies it is best if you use a natural hemorrhoid cream that is specifically formulated to treat your bleeding hemorrhoids.

A bleeding hemorrhoid can scare you. No one wants to see blood in the toilet after using the bathroom. However, you don’t have to resort to expensive treatments if you want to get rid of your hemorrhoid. Just use one of the methods listed above and enjoy permanent hemorrhoid relief.

To find out more information on bleeding hemorrhoid treatment and natural solutions visit bleeding hemorrhoids treatment.

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