What are the best supplements/probiotics to take, to get rid of massive Candida infection?

I am too lazy to change my diet, so I’d like to know if there are any specific antifungals/probiotic supplements that work pretty well to destroy an intestinal yeast infection…?

If you managed to cure a Candida/yeast infection, what products or drugs did you take? How well did they work?

I REALLY need help on this as I am faced with a serious health problem that may or may not be Candida overgrowth, but without medical insurance, I can’t get extensive testing done to figure out what condition I really have. However from my own research, it seems likely that Candida is a major component of my longterm illness, if not the whole thing.

Can you treat Candida effectively with supplements/drugs, without making significant dietary changes?

I’m getting all sorts of symptoms now that keep increasing, something like IBS (I feel things moving in my digestive system, and constipation is severe) and blurry vision/eye pain/bloodshot eyes, water retention, fatigue.. I need some help!

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  1. serenitysoul61 says:

    Yeast is controlled in the long run by correcting diet and lifesyle habits. If you don’t want to take charge of your diet and change it to eliminate the fungus permanently you will continue to have issues.

    Parasites feed on fungus and fungus feeds on sugars.
    Parasites can cause all of the symptoms you are talking about. http://www.curezone.com has homeopathic remedies you can use to cleanse both fungus and parasites from the body.

    Changing your diet will eliminate the IBS stuff. To permanently and effectively eliminate fungus and parasites you have to change your diet.

    I teach clients everyday how to get well without prescriptions, by changing thier lifestyles, habits and diets.

  2. Maybe a good flushing, as it were, would help. Ever go to a pharmacy and see a store brand laxative in an old-timey looking bottle? Liquid? (Try a Safeway, or CVS for instance.) Those are most effective and won’t kill you with cramps. Also, try an enema of one part vinegar four parts water. Scoff all you like, both an internal and external cleansing is mighty efficient for helping to neutralize the bacteria. And then finally a natural product called Azo Yeast. Hope this helps!

  3. Method_in_my_madness says:

    You have to take charge of your poor health condition quickly. You must make a lifestyle change, as well as seek medical attention to make sure you indeed have a candida/yeast infection. Dieticians can help you with a diet plan. There are supplements that can help help your situation, but it will be useless unless you put some effort in what it requires for you to do.

    Take a trip to an organic food store where these supplements can be purchased. There are many sources on the internet as well. Also, read the book entitled "Natural cures "they" don’t want you to know about" by Kevin Trudeau.

  4. kittywhite92630 says:

    Since you don’t want to change your diet then I suggest you purchase some pro-biotic pills to take every day.

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