I am trying to gain muscle mass and someone told me to try whey protein in a shake form. Is this good for you?

I am trying to gain muscle mass and someone told me to try whey protein in a shake form. Is this good for you? Does it work? Are there any long term effects?

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  1. Anything that is natural isn’t bad for you. Only thing is that if you take it, you must exercise to get the maximum effect. If not then you will just flush it all back out of your system. Which means that if you continue to take it, and days you don’t hit the weights or workout as hard you are wasting alot of the formula.

  2. Kudzu Heathen says:

    It’s good, but that won’t give you muscle mass. The only way to get muscle mass is to work those muscles by lifting weights, and lifting a glass of whey shake ain’t enough.

    Whey protein is derived from milk.

  3. melissa b says:

    Yes, whey protein is the best type of protein. And protein is very good for you. Everyone needs to include protein in their diet. You get it from meat, eggs, dairy food, etc.

    Weight lifters and body builders who need to eat more protein (to repair and build their muscles) drink protein shakes as a way of getting a lot of protein fast.

    So long as you are lifting weights properly protein won’t do anything to you. You should get one gram of protein per day for every kilo you weight approximately.

  4. It’s a great idea. I was never able to stand the texture and flavor of any shakes I ever tried. This one https://www.kosherdietplan.com caught my eye because of the 3- day money back guarantee and I tried it. I’m on the Cinch plan already for 6 months and I am love the café latte flavor so much, I actually crave it!

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