Can I accept myself fat

myself big and that was that…until I tested borderline diabetic. AND, discovered high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was experiencing fatigue and difficulty breathing. Was this really okay with me? It was only going to get worse as time went on. To each his own, but for me, that’s not acceptable anymore… Link to Today…

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – TT Meatheads IV: Get Lean and Jacked Workout B

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Were going to do a lot of different things in this workout starting with the first exercise. This isnt your classic superset format. You will be doing dumbbell forward lunges, performing all reps on one side before switching to the other for all reps on that side. You…

Abs of Steel-Walk it Out- Six Pack Muscle Toning Combat Fitness Building Body Power – Jim Brassard Crunches are out. You just won’t get the same total body benefits of this type of training. These core exercises will still help build 6 pack abs, but in a much safer way that will reduce the incidence of low back pain. Increase Your Power and Strength, Reduce Training Session Times, Maintain Fitness…


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! I’m going to give you 3 weight loss tips today. The most important thing when doing a weight loss program is your nutrition. So the first thing you will want to do is calculate how much you are eating now, and then improve the quality of the food…

Fast Weight Loss

I am a 19 year old college student, and on October 24th, 2007 I decided to turn my life around. I was obese, depressed, and was lacking in self confidence. Now, as of February 17th, 2008 I am over 50 pounds lighter; having dropped 6 pant sizes, and two shirt sizes- I will do whatever…