How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy Motivational Weight Loss Speaker Food Addiction Weight Loss Tips I have lost over 140 pounds. Here is how I did it…

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  3. aviewtocom says:

    Really good , I also tryed the :: DIETASYPESO,COM free website and downloaded all free stuff from there for dieting.

  4. you really helped me

  5. lol some one called you beautiful i dont want to be a jerk like most people but are you sure u did starveing because it works but u still have to jog or walk to lose the rest of the weight and u look more manly then most men D:

  6. capone379 says:

    If you are really serious about losing weight. Listen to this woman she’s right. The old saying is true, if it came in a bottle, everyone would be fit.

  7. straps6661 says:

    you are insanely beautiful

  8. LittlePinky82 says:

    I’m doing weight loss now and so far the thing that has helped for me the most is watching my calories. I’ve been doing that since late Aug and lost around 20 lbs so far. Watching calories I can still enjoy foods I enjoy but it’s about moderation I’ve found. And I agree about goals. Making realistic goals has helped a lot and to keep motivated. Oh and def with water!

  9. Great Video and How true it is. Just viewing this really make me want to loose my weight even though I have arthritis and a ton of other problems as well, I just have to find that emotional place that is well locked away that is preventing everything you talked about. I think if I just start eating at least 3 to 4 meals a day instead of nothing or just one small meal at night this may work for me.

  10. technopath100 says:

    very inspirational and very well put together.

  11. michiedee23 says:

    your awesome!i love the color of your eyes

  12. you are awsome!!

  13. But very informative, I took a few notes. Thank you for posting!

  14. Background music is very distracting!

  15. I started my weight loss in September, and now it’s November. I’ve lost 3o lbs so far. (:
    This video is really true and helpful. (: Other people should listen to it.

  16. 1betboo19 says:

    thanx, gr8 video :] x

  17. v0mitstar5 says:

    thanks for the vid!! awesome awesome song! i haven’t heard it in AGES

  18. aladinCofu says:

    What a great video this would be without the DISTRACTING MUSIC!!!

  19. Kurliston says:

    lol judging from the face shes about the same caliber i am and i wanne loose weight since im way to mutch so why the fck is she talking about being great though i dont wanne harm anyonen 😀

  20. ilovenature101 says:

    love it…. =]

  21. alkhait11 says:

    turn the music down wtf


  23. “Quiero y voy a hacer…” sí, suena más ambicioso, también es positivo 🙂

  24. vietguy808 says:

    good video ….u did good research…congrats

  25. LizbethDuran says:

    You’re so inspiring! <3 the video.

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