Online Life Coaching – Doors Only Open When You’re Present

When you concern yourself only with what’s happening Now, you free your mind from the ego and the constant projecting of what may happen in the future and what has happened in the past. Most of the egoic mind-based thoughts are rooted in what may or may not happen in the so-called “future” as well as what has already occurred in the so-called “past.”

Online Life Coaching – Healing the Shadow

The shadow projects onto other what we deny in ourselves. When you blame, condemn, criticize, and belittle others, you’ll be projecting your shadow. When you finish other people’s sentences, you’ll be projecting your shadow. When you judge people whom you don’t know, you’ll also be projecting your shadow. And when you point your finger at someone else, you’ll always have three fingers pointed at you.

Online Life Coaching – The Power of Heart-Based Love

When you fall in love with the mind (right-brain), you enter the realm of attachment and bondage. You become immersed in a place of rapture and bliss, for sure, but these are only the result of hormonal and chemical reactions from the brain. The release of neurotransmitters, however, are only temporary. The brain can’t keep dishing out serotonin forever. True love, on the other hand, comes from the heart, and is therefore not dependent upon biochemical stimulus.

Online Life Coaching – Do We Have Free Will?

Knowing whether or not you have free will begins with self observation. Certainly, you have the free will choice whether or not you can stop reading or continue reading this article. If you would like to have chicken for dinner rather than fish, you certainly have the free will to decide which one to have. If you decide to watch a particular program on TV, then you certainly have a choice as to what to watch. From these somewhat superficial perspectives, you could say that you do indeed possess free will.

Wellness Coaching – Getting Your Vitamin D from Sunlight

Recent studies have shown that Vitamin D lowers the risk of cancer (including skin cancer) up to 60 percent in men and up to 77 percent in women. It has also been shown to prevent type 1 and type 2 diabetes, reduce inflammation, prevent seasonal affective disorders, help prevent Parkinson’s disease, help prevent cardiovascular disease, help prevent autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as help support brain health. Al Sears, M.D., in his book, “Your Best Health Under the Sun,” said that “we are designed, cell by cell, as creatures of the sun….[vitamin D] may be the single most important organic nutrient for your over all health.”

Spiritual Life Coaching – The Physics of Consciousness

Quantum mechanics postulates that nothing really happens in the physical world unless a conscious mind observes it. In other words, consciousness must perceive what it creates in order for that creation to exist. This can be corroborated in the dream world. When we dream, we create our dream and perceive our dream so seamlessly that we are unaware that we, are in fact, the dreamer.