Are You Having A Panic Attack?

You might have experienced your heart pounding, along with shaking and shortness of breath. You instantly become frightened without much of a warning. This could have happened while you were driving, sleeping or awake, or even while you were at work. Perhaps it’s the first time it’s happened, perhaps not. If it’s happened before, you know you are in no danger, but you are still feeling uneasy about it. If, instead, this is the first time it’s happening, you are probably terrified.

Use Publicity And Marketing To Survive The Recession

Hey, it’s time to get down to work building our businesses as it seems the recession is not going anywhere. It’s time to empower ourselves, build our careers and businesses by kicking our marketing and publicity strategy up a notch! Is it as easy as it sounds? Anyone can add to the power of their influence and persuasion in their marketplace. If you want the edge, pack your professional bio and enhance your reputation by being the quoted or commenting expert in the news, on internet sites, on radio shows and on TV.

Three Leadership Lessons I Learned From Moneyball

This past weekend I went to see Moneyball. After reading the book a few years ago, I couldn’t wait for the movie to be released. As a baseball fan and investing enthusiast, this movie meant a great deal to me. Even if you’re not much of a baseball fan, there are some extremely valuable lessons you can take away from the story. I want to take a moment to share what I learned with you. If you’re unfamiliar with Moneyball, it’s a story about Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane and his successful attempt to assemble a winning baseball team by employing a computer generated analysis to draft his players. Here’s a quick rundown- The Oakland A’s are broke. Their payroll is $40 million per year (compared to the Yankees’ payroll of $130 million a year). They can’t manage to hire players that might enable them to win more games. Billy Beane employs a strategy created by Bill James in the mid 1980’s to find undervalued players. He assembles a team of players that fit both the formula and his budget. They win 103 games, finish 1st within their division, and break an American League record by winning 20 consecutive games. Here are the 3 important lessons that I took from the story:

Tips To Unlock The Power Of Self-Improvement

When we are looking at a certain object like a painting, it is likely we won’t be able to appreciate what is in it as well as what is painted and what else goes with it if this painting is only an inch away from our face. Helping us to unlock our self-improvement power are a whole bunch of information since we will reach a point in our life when we are ready for a change. The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything gets worse.