Essential Foods for Your Weight Loss Meal Plans

In order to achieve the result you want in your weight loss program. Consuming the right food is so important. If you choose them correctly, you will not only be able to maximise your fat loss quickly, you will find yourself healthier, more energetic and is more resistance to sickness and illnesses. How great is that!

Let’s look at some of the foods you should be eating regularly.

The first one is green tea. It contains cancer fighting antioxidants, caffeine and EGCG. What is that? It stands for epigallocatechin gallate and is used in treatment for cancer and HIV. More importantly for you, is that one of its properties is to burn fat, especially when combined with caffeine. So, start drinking green tea today.

Another food that contains antioxidant is broccoli. So, like green tea, it helps to fight cancer. It also contains phytochemicals (another cancer fighting chemical), Calcium D-glycerate (which can bind excess estrogen in your body). It is low in carbohydrate concentration but high in fibre. It is truly a super food!

The next food in your weight loss meal plan is fish, especially salmon. Fatty acids found in fish contain Omega-3, which you should by now be familiar with. The amazing thing is these fats help you burn more fat. Plus they also reduce triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

Finally, for those of you who snack regularly, consider snacking on almonds. It contains fat, fiber and protein, which are great for providing energy, maintaining muscle mass and curbing your hunger. All these make it a fantastic weight loss snack. Do keep a pack or two handy in your house or bag for those hunger pangs.

These foods are just some of the many healthy food choices for your weight loss meal plans. Include them in your daily meals, and you will be on your way to burning off those excess fats and at the same time improve your health.

Dave Lu is a health and fitness enthusiast. He is constantly researching and writing articles as well as reviews on various weight loss and health care products available in the market. You can visit his review site at Best Weight Loss and Health Care Products Review for more information.

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