Why Is It Difficult To Identify Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is such a sleep disorder that it does not always show the same set routine of diagnosis and treatment – something that we are familiar with when dealing with other types of illnesses. Ordinarily, we suffer the indicative symptoms of an illness – present them to the doctor who then turn up with a diagnosis. Most likely, the doctor may instruct for some more diagnostic tests like blood examination, etc to get a medical affirmation and get a direction in the management of the disease.

Sleep apnea remains one of the leading sleep disorders that remain untreated and undiagnosed because majority of those who show sleep apnea symptoms manifest during sleep. As a matter of fact, it generally takes the bed partner to detect the distress of the patient during sleep and persuade him or her to seek medical help.

Regardless of how obscure the sleep apnea symptoms may appear initially, sooner or later, the patient becomes aware of something seriously happening with his or her mind and body. Here is a list of of what others see and what the patient go through in terms of sleep apnea symptoms:

Visible to others:

* Restless sleep

* Loud and persistent snoring

* Loud and persistent snoring

* Choking, gasping and snorting during sleep

* Frequent waking from sleep

Experienced by the patient:

* Rapid and unexplained weight gain

* Excessive daytime sleepiness

* Morning headaches

* Learning problems combined with difficulty in concentration

* Frequent need for urination at night

* Dry throat on waking

* Mood deterioration with depression and irritability

* Impotence or lack of interest in sex

It makes sense to know beforehand what the risk factors are or better still, what the sleep apnea causes are in order to be in better control of your health condition..

The advantage of knowing the sleep apnea causes is you can easily connect the causes with the sleep apnea symptoms you are experiencing and ask the treating doctor for a sleep apnea test, to medically validate your condition.

In view of the fact that sleep apnea is most likely the outcome of neglected snoring, you would learn several sleep apnea causes similar to reasons why people snore. Here is a glimpse:

* Obesity

* Consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol

* Wrong sleeping posture

* Inadequate pillow height

* Nasal blockage caused by:

– Cold/allergies

– Polyps/tumors

– Enlarged nasal turbinates/enlarged tongue

– Anatomical defects like deviated septum, misalignment of jaws, crooked bone at the bridge of the nose

The following are some other sleep apnea causes that can provide clues regarding people who are at risk for sleep apnea:

* More than half of people diagnosed with sleep apnea are overweight.

* More common in men than women; risk increases with age. 1 in 10 people older than 65 has sleep apnea.

* Pregnancy and post-menopausal periods could cause sleep apnea.

* Genetic factors

* Small airways in the nose, throat or mouth could cause sleep apnea. Shape of these anatomical structures or allergies to certain medications may also cause this disorder.

Looking to find the best deal on sleep apnea exercises, then visit www.sleepapneaexercises.com to find the best advice on how to deal withsleep apnea symptoms.

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