What To Know About CPAP Supplies

Continual positive airway pressure is a treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when a person sleeps and the throat begins to relax allowing the airway to collapse. The person stops breathing temporarily and then starts back with a snore. The therapy uses air pressure to keep the airway open. In order for the machine to operate correctly, there are some CPAP supplies that need to be replaced on a regular basis.

The interface bonds the machine to the human. It is a mask that fits over the nose in most cases. People that breath at night through the mouth may require a mask that covers both nose and mouth. The nose mask is less restrictive and generally preferred.

Nasal pillows can replace even the nose mask for an even less restrictive interface. These small pillows fit under each nostril and seal the tubing to the nose to prevent air leaks. Pillows are made of soft silicon and require replacement about two times each year. Without replacement, the pillows can begin to allow air to leak.

Filters-Since the machine is forcing air through the breathing passages, it is important that the air be free of any foreign material. In addition, the filters protect the machine from damage. Most machines use a foam filter that can be cleaned and reused and a disposable paper filter. The paper filters should be replaced at least once each month.

The interface selected will be held in place using head gear. The gear is made of a foam like material and requires Velcro adjustments. The foam is soft against the skin but can pick up oils from the skin as well as the hair. When soiled the mask should be replaced. In addition, the Velcro can become less effective at connecting and can cause the head gear to need replacement.

The addition of a humidifier to the system can make it much more comfortable to use the machine. Without the humidifier, the air from the machine can dry breathing passages. Tanks for the humidifier can develop scale as tap water evaporates. Once the tank is coated with scale it should be replaced for maximum effectiveness.

Tubing-The mask is connected to the machine using rigid yet flexible tubing. When using the humidifier in a cold room, the moisture can condense in the tubing creating an effect known as rain. Heated tubing is available that can keep the air warm and moist while preventing the rain effect.

Sleep apnea can cause many health problems. People with apnea may not get the needed rest at night. Blood pressure can be raised as the heart races to provide oxygen after each obstructive episode. Snoring, caused by the apnea can keep a bed partner awake and tired. Use of this positive airway device is an effective way to prevent the episodes from occurring but patients will need to be sure that CPAP Toronto supplies are regularly replaced.

In the United States, CPAP Masks Toronto machines are often available at large discounts online, but a patient purchasing a Toronto CPAP personally must handle the responsibility of securing reimbursement from from his or her insurance or Medicare.

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