What to consume after wisdom teeth extraction

Following the surgical procedures, the healing takes only a few days usually. The prescribed pain relievers (such as Ibuprofen) from your dental practitioner or dental surgeon will help if you really need them. The health risks or post-extraction problems you may experience with extracting a wisdom tooth include:

* Pain and swelling in your gum and tooth cavity where the tooth was removed.
* Bleeding that won’t stop about 24 hours after the extraction
* Difficulty with opening your jaw
* Persistent sinus opening when a wisdom tooth from the upper jaw is removed
* Lower lip numbness after the local anaesthetic wears off

So give attention to what to eat after wisdom teeth removal, drink a great deal of clear liquids, particularly water, to assist eliminate dehydration. Gatorade and fruit drinks could be a sensible choice. You might want to avoid soft (bubbly) drinks like pop and soda for at least 72 hours to help prevent dry cavity.

Then again, if you happen to go through any nausea then ginger, ale or 7UP might help. Keep clear of hot liquids and alcoholic beverages for the first day. Make sure you avoid using a straw, as the suction created may well dislodge the blood clot causing delayed healing and possibly even a dry cavity.

The following is a variety of what to eat upon wisdom teeth removal ;Frozen yogurt, Ice cream, cold applesauce, mashed potatoes, soft pasta, fish, apple sauce, jelly, cold tomato soup, non-frozen yogurt, cold pudding, Scrambled eggs, Cottage cheese, Oatmeal, Re-fried beans

In general, less sticky meals are better. You need something that will just glide down your throat, and something non-acidic. This implies soda and other bubbly drinks are a no-no. The carbonic acid in soda will melt your clots and deteriorate your stitches if you have got them. The same can be stated for juices containing citric acid and alcohol.

Only eat soft foods for the first 2 to 3 days. Ensure these foods aren’t too hot and also not too cold. Stay clear of hard or crispy meals, like popcorn and hard candy, for atleast two weeks after surgery.

Want to find out more about wisdom teeth removal, then visit Dalip Somal’s site on how to choose on what to eat after wisdom teeth removal for your needs.

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