Good News for Bronchitis Fever Sufferers

Bronchitis causes you to have an uncontrollable cough with no relief in mind. When you have a constant reoccurring cold virus (thats how it starts) which can cause respiratory infection or sinus infection, possibly a severe sore throat and nasal congestion, your throat becomes red and irritated and you experience sinus pressure. When the lungs become in distress because of phlegm (mucus) build-up, inflammation of the air passageways occurs, your chest feels constricted, your breathing tube swells making it difficult to breathe, causing you to cough. The cough is the bodys natural way of trying to expel a foreign object inside of your body that doesnt belong.

Due to the widespread dissemination of this type of information in reference to antibiotics, natural alternatives are increasingly sought by growing numbers. Natural supplements have grown in popularity for this reason.

The symptoms for acute and chronic bronchitis are similar. People who suffer from either form experience coughing fits. They may also see increased production of phlegm, discomfort in the chest, wheezing, elevated body temperature and occasional chills. The phlegm produced due to this condition may be clear, gray, white, or yellowish-green in color. The color may help a doctor determine what the bronchitis cause for a given patient is.

There are some herbal remedies that can be used, to treat your bronchitis. Use eucalyptus, bay or garlic leaves in hot water. Boil some water, drop one or all the leaves I named (to speed up the healing process) in the boiling water, let the leaves get tender and allow water to steam up, pour it in a bowl, position a towel directly over your head and the bowl to inhale the vapors. The vapors you will be inhaling will soothed your persisting cough. You can also use the remainder of the liquid to make an herbal tea.

You should see your doctor if you suspect you have viral bronchitis, because it could be bacterial. If it is bacterial you will need antibiotics, but if it is viral then antibiotics will not help. Your doctor will listen to you breathe with a stethoscope, check your neck glands for swelling, and perform a check of your throat and sinuses. If they see evidence of yellow mucus then it is probably not viral and they will prescribe antibiotics for you.

There is a product on the market that is a natural remedy for bronchitis its called Bronovil. It has been clinically tested to be safe and effective in improving the health of your immune system, it clears that relentless cough, ease the discomfort and pain you experience from inflamed lungs and swelling of the breathing tube Bronovil makes it so you can breathe and feel normal again, without the drowsy side effects. Its a natural alternative to using harmful prescription antibiotics that tend to be useless in ridden you of bronchitis.

Want to learn more information about Asthma Bronchitis, then visit our site and learn more about Cough Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment.

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