Weight Loss With Thought Field Therapy

Come January 1st of every year, many people make the commitment to themselves to start the new year off right by starting a new diet, exercise routine, or both. Weight loss is without question a very large segment of business today. So many people are over weight especially here in America. Some are dangerously over weight while others just want to lose a couple of pounds.

No matter what category you are in, or if you’re anywhere in between losing weight and keeping it off can be a struggle. You may have an addiction to certain foods like chocolate or pop. You may eat when your stress levels are high as a way to cope. Anxiety may also cause you to reach for the bag of potato chips as a way to ease those anxious feelings. Yet others may be depressed and try to make themselves happy by indulging in a bowl of vanilla ice cream with a delicious slice chocolate cake with extra thick frosting.

If you’re reading this and are thinking to yourself, “Yep that’s me”, I encourage you to keep reading. There is a therapy created by physiologist Dr. Roger Callahan that will be able to help you. Dr. Callahan became increasingly unhappy with conventional methods of treating patient’s emotional and psychological issues and he sought after alternative methods. Over time he put together a form of energy psychology called meridian tapping. Think of it as acupuncture for emotions without the tiny needles. It’s a way to clear emotional and psychological issues from your energy system, your highest functioning level of existence. When you change something in the energetic realm, the emotional and physical realms are directly effected.

Thought Field Therapy is very effective in the reduction and elimination of the very issues that keep you in the patterns where you gain weight and can’t keep it off. Thought Field Therapy is great for treating addictions. So if you are addicted to sugar or a certain food, Thought Field Therapy will reduce and eliminate that addiction. Do you eat because of stress at work, anxiety over an ill loved one, or depression from the cold harsh winter season? TFT tapping is very effective in getting rid of those issues, too. A lot of situations surrounding weight loss are attributed to self sabotage type behaviors. You know you shouldn’t eat the candy bar, but you do anyways. You know you should go for a walk after dinner, but you find a way almost every day why you can’t. Thought Field Therapy is a great tool for ridding self sabotage behavior so that you can get on a healthier track and stay there permanently.

Thought Field Therapy is a self empowering therapy. It’s a tool that can change your life and get you to a much healthier place where you can enjoy so many things in life that you’ve feel you can’t do because of being over weight.

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