Spiritual Life Coaching – Symptoms of a Kundalini Activation

Some initiates into a Kundalini activation have no prior understanding or context of the spiritual path (at least in the current life) and therefore the experience can be shocking and somewhat debilitating. Adding to their confusion and bewilderment, health care professionals still regard phenomena associated with spiritual emergence as indicative of pathology because the signs are so easily confused with the symptoms of psychosis, mania, depression, schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Kundalini Arousal and the Ego’s Response

Kundalini arousal offers a direct challenge to the control of the egoic consciousness and even though its intentions are to dissolve the ego, which it does eventually, at first, the ego will be dramatically bolstered because it will interpret the awakening as something that is intended specifically for it. It’s as if the ego says, “Woah, look at how important I am! It is I who have been chosen for a select group of enlightened ones, and so therefore I must conclude that I am very special indeed.

Spiritual Counseling – Kundalini Syndrome & Pranic Energy

The ancient Sanskrit word for “vital energy” is prana. It begins to be unleashed into the body from the portal of the root chakra during a Kundalini awakening. Prior to this, the Kundalini remains dormant and coiled precisely three and one half times around the base of the spine. Accompanying the release of the prana, dramatic shifts in consciousness and psychological upheavals will occur in the initiate. A wide array of symptoms are associated with a Kundalini awakening. This is known as “Kundalini syndrome.”

Spiritual Life Coaching – Characteristics of a Kundalini Awakening

A Kundalini arousal brings with it the challenge to transcend the primal drives, instincts, and fears of the egoic mind so that a new stage may be set for the coming unity consciousness of the Next Human. The process of transcendence takes time, however, and may require as the duration of five to ten years after a full-fledged awakening for its entire effect to take root.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Raising the Kundalini Shakti

Raising the kundalini is not difficult but it will only happen when the initiate is ready. I counsel clients from all over the world on the best way to prepare for a kundalini awakening. First, let’s define what the kundalini is. The divine life force energy of the kundalini is polarized into two forms; static and dynamic. The static form is when the kundalini is in the dormant state, coiled precisely three and one half times around the base of the spine. Here it remains until it is awakened into the dynamic state of prana shakti. This dynamic state is also what is being called “dark matter” by scientists today. It is the ether of the cosmos that binds every atom in the universe together. It can also be referred to as “Source Consciousness.”

Spiritual Life Coaching – Symptoms of the Kundalini Awakening/Syndrome

Sometimes the Kundalini Awakening/Syndrome is also referred to as a “spiritual emergency.” In their 1990 book, “The Story Search for Self”, transpersonal psychologists Grof and Grof coin the term “spiritual emergency” to describe the difficult stages of a “profound psychological transformation that involves one’s entire being.” They describe the kundalini awakening as one of ten varieties of spiritual emergencies. Some years later, near-death experience author, Dr. Yvonne Kason, set about creating criteria to differentiate between some undergoing a spiritual emergency and someone experiencing psychosis. She explains that a spiritual emergency is when a person is merely challenged by an altered state experience, where as a psychotic episode is when a person is simply overwhelmed by it.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Five Steps to a Kundalini Awakening

To prepare for a kundalini awakening, it is important to follow five specific steps. The first step is to exercise every day. For stretching, and preparing the nadis and marma points for an upcoming rush of the prana shakti, I recommend either tai chi or yoga to my clients. If you’d like more of a caloric-burning exercise, such as running, cycling, or rollerblading, then I recommend short bursts of intense, high performance sprinting, rather than prolonged, long distance enduring. The exercise does not have to be overly strenuous or time consuming because this actually trains the body to store more fat due to the “endurance stress” that its having to undergo to every day. As a result, you become a slave to your own exercise routine and may end up spending as much as an hour a day to do what you could be doing in less than twenty minutes.

Online Life Coaching – Doors Only Open When You’re Present

When you concern yourself only with what’s happening Now, you free your mind from the ego and the constant projecting of what may happen in the future and what has happened in the past. Most of the egoic mind-based thoughts are rooted in what may or may not happen in the so-called “future” as well as what has already occurred in the so-called “past.”