Causes and Remedies for Dry Hairs

Healthy hairs make one look perfect while damaged hairs can be a big problem to one, too. To gain back your shiny and smooth hairs, you may have tried many different hair conditioning products and expensive treatments. But, the effect of these products and treatments may not be as effective as you thought. In fact, the most important step lies with your daily care and the right choice of hair care products!

Hair Care for Colored Hairs

Hair care for colored hairs does not limit to after-care, but also pre-care. Proper hair treatments before hair coloring reduce significant damages to hairs. It is advised by experts to have 1 to 2 treatments in a week before your hairs are colored. Such pre-treatment helps balance the pH of your scalp, protect hair squamae and minimize potential irritations and damages from coloring chemicals.

Sun Care for Hairs

Many people have a good sense on sun care and after sun care for their skin. They apply sun screen when they have outdoor activities. Actually, we need such sense for our hairs, too. After exposure to sunlight, hairs become weak, fragile, dull and inelastic. It is because sunlight takes away our natural sebum and moisture from Keratin.

Hair Care for Dry Hair

There are different hair types including dry, normal and oily. Dry hair type is characterized by limited sebum, dry, non-shiny, fizzy hairs, dry scalp and the problem of dandruff. You may also find higher volume of hairs (thicker hairs) at the roots while lower volume of hairs (thinner hairs) at the ends. Dry hair is usually less elastic and its extendibility is lower than 25 percent.