EFT for Managing PTSD

Several sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are constantly seeking for a treatment. EFT is the perfect treatment for this. PTSD can take place when an individual is subjected to nerve-racking events and a high state of anxiety and fear continues long after. Examples are an abusive event, assault, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or tornadoes, great mental and physical pressure such as torture, war or terrorist bombings, car or place crashes, road accidents, or any incidents accompanied by great fear and a sense of helplessness. EFT is considered to have shown really outstanding results in dealing with PTSD.

Stop Procrastination with EFT

Having trouble about procrastination? EFT can help you get rid of it. Procrastination takes place when you set aside time do something and then, consciously do something else instead… and it can be distressing. It can take you into trouble. For instance, you tell yourself, “I’m going to get this task done now” and the very next thought is a distraction such as, “but I’ll check my email or facebook before I begin” and the pattern repeats. Read on to determine how you can apply EFT for conquering your procrastination and other harmful habits.

EFT- An Anxiety Relief Approach

Have you ever suffered from anxiety that you feel like you are out of your mind? EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Technique, is an effective solution to relieve anxiety that keeps on bothering you. Anxiety is the physical state that results from fearful thoughts and limiting beliefs about your future. When you have this condition, your body goes into a freeze or a fight-or-flight response and prepares you to deal with life-threatening situations. You can lose your natural ability to think clearly and effectively and to cope with everyday life.

EFT- A Natural Way to Beat Fibromyalgia

Pain that occurs every minute of every day- this is one symptom of fibromyalgia which makes sufferers feel hopeless. The good news is that there is a natural pain relief for this called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Fibromyalgia is a devastating condition and that will affect many areas of a person’s life. Therefore, it is crucial to find the right pain relief option when faced with getting treatment, and an effective option is the EFT therapy.