The Reptilian Brain is Still Running the World

Everything in nature evolves. Life was once a single-celled organism. In fact, for most of the past four billion years, life on Earth consisted of the microorganism and nothing more. After bacteria, algae, and fungi formed, evolution leaped forward, manifesting as the dinosaur which prospered for about 165 million years. The reptiles, turtles, and birds of today are all that’s left from the Dinosaur Age.

Online Life Coaching – Doors Only Open When You’re Present

When you concern yourself only with what’s happening Now, you free your mind from the ego and the constant projecting of what may happen in the future and what has happened in the past. Most of the egoic mind-based thoughts are rooted in what may or may not happen in the so-called “future” as well as what has already occurred in the so-called “past.”

Online Life Coaching – Healing the Shadow

The shadow projects onto other what we deny in ourselves. When you blame, condemn, criticize, and belittle others, you’ll be projecting your shadow. When you finish other people’s sentences, you’ll be projecting your shadow. When you judge people whom you don’t know, you’ll also be projecting your shadow. And when you point your finger at someone else, you’ll always have three fingers pointed at you.

Online Life Coaching – Do We Have Free Will?

Knowing whether or not you have free will begins with self observation. Certainly, you have the free will choice whether or not you can stop reading or continue reading this article. If you would like to have chicken for dinner rather than fish, you certainly have the free will to decide which one to have. If you decide to watch a particular program on TV, then you certainly have a choice as to what to watch. From these somewhat superficial perspectives, you could say that you do indeed possess free will.