Symptoms Of Kidney Infection In Women

Some of the first symptoms of kidney infection in women are a strange pain experienced in the side or sometimes in the mid back. This pain is as a result of blockage or irritation of the urinary tract by a stone. This pain at times may be felt at the groin area or the inner parts of the thighs depending on the location of the stone.

Some symptoms of kidney stones in women that may also be experienced because of the sudden pain include nausea and vomiting. The pain is felt from time to time in sudden waves. Patients who pass kidney stones mostly feel uncomfortable staying in any position. Blood may also be passed when they are passing urine mainly because the stones have also affected some surrounding tissues.

These kidney stones can be one of many kidney infection symptoms in women. Almost 3% of all women are most likely to develop a stone in their kidneys at some stage in their lives. But it is low when compared to men because men are three times more likely to have kidney stones formed inside them. These kidney stones become a chronic problem to many women because a woman who gets one is most likely to get more inside her.

As we are discussing kidney stones symptoms in women it is also very important to get to know how the kidneys function in the body. A human kidney appears to be almost of same size as the fist and it is located at the lower back region. Kidneys are connected to the bladder by the uterus.

Blood flows through the kidneys where it gets filtered. The kidneys traps all useful components in the blood then gives it back to the bloodstream where it is taken to places for absorption. It also extracts all harmful and useless substances and safely disposes then through the urine. The urine gets out of the body via the urethra.

Kidney stones, which are the main kidney infection symptoms in women, form when substances like minerals get accumulated in kidneys and crystallize into particles that are solid. The urine contains certain chemicals that can keep this from happening under normal circumstances. But under some conditions, this mechanism may fail resulting to the formation of crystals.

These crystals are able to pass with the urine without any problems if they remain small. Larger particles may however, lodge themselves in the kidneys or in some other part in the urinary tract. This is when kidney stone symptoms for women start to show.

Doctors who frequently get visits from patients often instruct them to carry out some simple prescriptions such as drinking an average of 2 to 3 quarts of water daily, taking medication for the pain as required, and the use of antibiotics if there is suspicion of an infection. Identifying what type the stone is will help doctors prescribe medication to prevent recurrences. The doctor will also have some other options to take if the stone will not pass by itself. But the main goal of treatment given by any doctor for kidney stones symptoms in women will be to minimize the chances of patients getting another one. Learn more about this from:

Want to find out more about kidney stones symptoms in women, then visit Ellie Nicholsons’s site on how to choose the best kidney stone symptoms for women for your needs.

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