When Was Halo 3 Released?

On May 15, 2007 the information was published, that Halo 3 would be released on September 25 in North America and the 26th in Europe. Halo 3 marked the third in a very popular series for the Xbox 360 called ‘Halo’. According to the vice president of Microsoft’s interactive entertainment business, Halo 3’s publication was much more than only a video game release, it was the biggest media event of the year. He might just have been right as well.

The full history of Halo 3 really has to begin with the release of the first game in the series ‘Halo: Combat Evolved’. In November, 2001, when Halo was first released, game consoles were somewhat of a joke as one-person shoot-em-up games. Yes, some games existed, but there weren’t the popular following that the PC games in the genre had.

That all changed with Halo, in which players could battle aliens on foot and in vehicles, completing objectives, while trying to unravel the secret of the Halo. Halo pioneered limiting the number of weapons a player could carry to two, which meant forcing the player to take strategic decisions.

Enthusiasts waited for the release of Halo 3 with baited breath. They awaited the continuation of the one-person, shoot-em-up combat format that had been prevalent in the two previous versions of Halo. Microsoft calls it the ‘Golden Triangle of Halo’, which consists of gun-type weapons, grenades and others. In actuality, this was not new to one-person, shoot-em-up games, as it had existed since the very first Doom and even the precursor to that game, Wolfenstein.

So, with all of that history behind it, people were very excited over the Halo 3 release date. How popular and welcome was the game? Well, before its release, 3.1 million copies were sold in advance orders and retailers were sure that that was not enough.

The game grossed $300 million in the United States in only the first seven days. Overall, it has sold over nine million copies worldwide and was the best-selling video game in the USA in 2007. Even the critics liked it, ranking it the seventh highest in the all-time list of Xbox 360 games.

The Halo 3 release date, like the release date of many wildly popular video games was almost like a holiday like Christmas or Easter. It leaves us with the question of what will happen with video games in the future?

If you like Halo 3 and are interested in finding out more about it, why not visit Halo 3 Info on our website entitled Halo 3 Insider Secrets

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