Treating Genital Warts: Need Help Treating Genital Warts?

Genital warts are also known as venereal warts or condylomata acuminate. They are one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases. As the name of them suggests, genital warts affect the tissues of your genital area. They can look like small, fleshy-colored bumps or they may have cauliflower-like appearance. Treating genital warts is something that you must have taken care of. It is a very serious disease. Genital warts can be treated with medications and with some surgery. They are a serious health concern and should be dealt with; they should be treated. The virus that causes these warts- the human papilloma virus, known as HPV- has been commonly associated with cervical cancer.

Remove Genital Warts- The first step in using home remedies is to remove genital warts. One of the best treatments for removal is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Other types of vinegar will work, but ACV smells better than other forms of vinegar. When vinegar is applied to the warts, especially the under-the-skin warts, the vinegar will make them appear. They will appear wet and then turn a whitish color. There are some places online which suggests soaking the warts in ACV, however this is not advisable since the acid in the vinegar can cause severe drying and irritation. To apply begin by dabbing ACV on the warts once a day and then washing with an all-natural soap. To prevent chapping use Vitamin E oil or Aloe Vera gel.

Cryotherapy- This is a method of freezing with the use of liquid nitrogen. This method is also called cryosurgery. The doctor applies liquid nitrogen at the site of the wart. The skin becomes frozen, then thaws. It may be frozen again if necessary. The repetition of this process depends on the characteristics of the wart such as size and thickness and also from the doctor’s discretion. There may be some burning sensation on treating genital warts. After the treatment there may be some mild pain and soreness and healing will take 1-3 weeks in most cases.

Laser Removal- This treatment option has become more popular over the years as technology has advanced. Laser surgery will destroy warts off the body and studies have shown this treatment to be 40% effective. This treatment should be tried if some others have proven ineffective. In rare cases, more warts have spawned from after this surgery, but in most cases the warts were cleared up better than before treatment. Electrocautery- This is similar to laser removal but in it requires some sort of physical burning of the wart. Local anesthetic is typically used and this method required a low voltage probe that is electrified. If the case is severe enough, general anesthetic is used which will cause he patient to be unconscious during the procedure. Again, there may be pain and swelling following treatment and healing takes 2-4 weeks. But this treatment has shown to be over 80% effective in removing warts and preventing them from coming back over a 6 month period of time. Also, there is typically a very low amount of bleeding with this method.

Surgical Excision. This means the warts will be cut of with a scalpel. There will be some local numbing applied tot he area and stitches will likely be done following the procedure. This is typically done last as it has more risk of infection and may cause more pain then the other methods of treatment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics following the surgical procedures to reduce the risk of infection. With all of these treatments, your results may vary. The quality of your results and largely dependent on your own body, your quality of health, and mostly, the severity of your current condition. With all infections, treatment is better began sooner rather than later so you can avoid the more drastic, risky and painful methods that can be prescribed. So what is your best treatment option? As always, check with your doctor and have a good sense with how severe your case may be. But treatment should be done to suppress the symptoms as quickly as they are identified to prevent long-term issues.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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