An Easy Question To Answer: Are There Side-Effects To Non-Natural Acne Treatments?

Acne is the most common of all skin disorders. Normally presented as pimples, blackhead, and whiteheads, acne mostly affects the face, neck, back and chest of those who suffer. The condition initially strikes teens, affecting 3 out of 4 teenagers, and can be anywhere from mild to severe. Acne is not only a teenage affliction, however. Adult onset acne affects 25% of adult men, and 50% of adult women at some point. As such a prevalent disease, it’s no wonder so many have asked the question, “Are There Side-Effects To Non-Natural Acne Treatments?”.

Acne is not only a social bane for sufferers, it can result in permanent scars in severe cases. These scars are created as the wound attempts to heal itself, resulting in too much collagen in a single spot. Acne scars are called “Icepick” scars because they cause indentations in the surface of the skin.

This indiscriminate health issue has spawned a plethora of treatments, both over the counter and prescription. Non-natural acne treatments widely available such as cleaning agents, gels, and lotions have side effects. These compounds usually contain alcohol, which can cause burning, redness, and irritation of the skin.

Doctors frequently prescribe medications for severe acne. These treatments have more severe side effects. Commonly prescribed antibiotics can cause permanent staining of the teeth, and cause cavities. Other side effects caused by antibiotics include rashes, sensitivity to light, gastrointestinal problems, hypersensitivity syndromes, autoimmune disorders, and skin pigmentations that are abnormal. Another common problem these days is the resistance caused by the excess use of antibiotics. These drugs can become ineffective in fighting other illnesses as a result.

With a list of side effects as long as your arm, a lot of people are trying to avoid non-natural acne treatments. Fortunately, there are a number of all-natural treatments that prove to be highly effective for many sufferers. The juice of oranges and lemons, applied with cotton balls, can be used as a natural astringent.

Filled with sulfur – an excellent natural antibiotic, fresh garlic is a surprisingly effective treatment for acne. Slice a clove of garlic in half and rub it gently over the affected area. Alternatively, you can smash the clove and steep it in very warm water, then apply the water with a cotton ball or clean cloth.

It seems unexpected that raw potatoes are actually good for the skin. Filled with sulfur (that natural antibiotic), as well as phosphorus, potassium, starch, and Vitamin C, you can simply cut the potato and apply it to your face. If you need rapid relief, try grating the potato pulp, then applying to the affected area.

Witch Hazel, widely used by the Native Americans, is something of a wonder treatment for many afflictions, including acne. Made from the witch hazel plant, Witch Hazel was historically used to treat not only skin conditions, but strains, sprains, bruises, and internal injuries and bleeding. Witch Hazel is now used as treatment for acne, eye injuries, minor pain, and itching of the skin. Witch Hazel is known both for its ability to clean and heal, quickly resolving inflammation and skin problems, and soothing burns.

Wondering whether there are side-effects to non-natural acne treatments ? Get the exclusive low down on great Natural Acne Treatment now in our online overview of the best Acne Reviews .

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