Tips On How to Eradicate Depression

This write-up is focused on beating depression. I am a person who suffered from long bouts of depression, nevertheless after determining to change my whole outlook on life, I now have a much happier, successful and stress-free life. I will explain how I went about achieving this new life.

As I grew older and especially when I was in my early twenties, I used to always compare my life with other individuals I knew, for example my friends. It seemed to me that my life was so much more of a struggle than what their’s was and that most of these people had so much more going for them and so much more to look forward to than I did.

I was not happy at the hand of cards I had been dealt and would regularly be down in the dumps, feeling sorry for myself. I had a number of issues in my life which had a major effect on my self-confidence and self-esteem, which would also lead me into depression. This problems including a weight problem, a stutter, a bald patch on my head and I am quite short in height compared to the average man.

I was in a regular state of depression and found it very difficult to pull my self out of it. The stress for instance of socialising when you have a stutter and trying to gain employment might take a lot out of me. My hair started to turn grey when I was only twenty-one years of age.

I was not content at always being depressed and at the age of twenty-two, I made a decision to try to change my entire life. I had to have a whole new approach and a completely different thought process, in summary I needed to calm down, think in a far more positive way and learn how to de-stress.

This was not going to be easy nevertheless it was important to do. I began to read many self-help kind books and books about getting rid of depression. I learnt many things like stressing about a scenario makes it even harder, not easier and that in life all you can do would be to try your best, consequently regardless of the outcome you can feel proud that you gave it your best shot. It is also crucial to keep in mind that we only live once and that that life could come to an end tomorrow, therefore we ought to treat every single day as if it’s the last and to enjoy ourselves.

The main change I made was that I started to think and compare my life to individuals I was reading about in the newspapers or watching on the television instead of comparing my life to my friends for example. From learning about countries in the 3rd world and reading about particular disasters and terrorist acts, I realised what a fool I had been and that I was actually one of the lucky ones. If and when I start feeling down or depressed, I rapidly switch on the news and it soon shakes me out of that short-term depressive state.

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If you want more information on signs of depression, don’t read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Depression Treatment

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