Tinnitus Retraining – What You Need To Know

If you are suffering from tinnitus, you must have already heard about tinnitus retraining as it is one of the most common forms of tinnitus treatment. This treatment method deals with the condition through mindset training to sidetrack the patient’s attention so he or she would not focus on the annoying tinnitus sounds. This method of treatment is based on the concept that humans form their habits through their perception.

The principle behind the tinnitus retraining method is to eliminate the patient’s negative and adverse perceptions and thoughts about his or her condition by helping him or her identify the underlying problem that causes his or her tinnitus. This is done through the counseling sessions that teach the patient how to feel less affected by his condition.

The objectives of tinnitus retraining are to lessen the patient’s fear of the unknown, teach him/her the different possibilities of recovery, and give him/her different remedy ideas that he/she can use in case his/her condition leads to hearing loss.

The tinnitus retraining therapist achieves the above-mentioned objectives by asking the patient to undergo sound and counseling therapy which aims to divert his/her attention to other external sounds instead of focusing on the tinnitus sounds such as hissing, buzzing, or ringing sounds in the ears. Proponents of this tinnitus treatment method based this concept on the ability of the brain to learn, relearn, and ignore whatever the mind perceived as irrelevant.

Here’s the outline of the tinnitus retraining:

1. The Initial Session of TRT

The first TRT session is used to check the facts about the tinnitus sufferer in order to determine the problem that led to the tinnitus condition. The first session is also used by the doctor to determine how bad the hearing problem is. The doctor also checks the patient’s tolerance to the sounds produced by tinnitus. The doctor also checks the medical history of the patient to determine if the condition is caused by medical or health conditions, including Mernier’s disease, anemia or hypertension, or any other problem such as the presence of foreign object in the ear canals of the person suffering from this condition. This is also the time when the doctor evaluates the appropriateness of tinnitus retraining as tinnitus treatment.

2. Fitting the Tinnitus Masker

The second session involves asking the patient to choose the type of masker to use for his white noise, which is one important part of this treatment method. There are two basic forms of tinnitus masker: an earphone-like device or a desktop device. Additionally, the type of white noise that will be produced will first be asked from the patient as this depends mainly on the patient’s preference.

3. TRT Post Treatment Analysis

This session involves evaluating the effects of this treatment method to determine how the patient has progressed in his ability to redirect his/her attention away from the tinnitus sounds with or without a tinnitus masker. One important part of the tinnitus retraining is to get rid of the patient’s stress mainly because stress triggers the symptoms of tinnitus. During this final session, any negative effect in the condition will be replaced with other possible prospects for manageability or recovery from the tinnitus syndrome.

We strive to provide the best possible information available on tinnitus treatment. To learn how you can get rid of tinnitus naturally and eliminating tinnitus once and for all, visit our Tinnitus Products Review.

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