Tava Tea – You Can Shed Those Pounds With This Pure Organic Green Tea

On the surface, Tava Tea wellness blend appears to be like any other tea, but take a closer look and you will see that it contains much more than the rest. Sencha, Oolong, and Puerh are really great kinds of tea, similar to Darjeeling and Earl Grey. For more than 500 years Sencha, Puerh, and Oolong teas have been used in China. It has been by and large accepted that Tava Tea, because of the many nutrients it contains, is an exceptional mixture of the other three teas.

One of the substances that make green tea such a heathly drink is Catechin, which is a type of Polyphenol, an essential antioxidant. Sencha possesses an extremely high level of Catechin. Polyphenol antioxidants occur in many forms but the strongest is catechin. Green tea possesses a huge amount of Epigallocatechin gallate, which is the most powerful Catechin. Having a green lifestyle is more than merely using products that are natural and safe for the environment, but also products that can make you healthier.

Drinking Tava Tea will certainly help you shed off the extra pounds but it will likewise help to reinstate your entire body to full health. In clinical studies, it’s been proven that Tava Tea can help reduce body fat and balance cholesterol levels. There are many benefits to taking in Tava Tea, such as easier food digestion, reducing the amount of bloating, and burning up twice as many calories as the regular green tea. Tava Tea likewise can lower the effects of consuming a lot of carbs. Simply having a cup of tava tea about 15 minutes before consuming a food with lots of carbs will help to reduce the production of insulin, and as a result, you will put on less fat.

Serious diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer and other several chronic conditions are triggered by free radicals, which hurt the body at the cellular level. Another key ingredient of Tava Tea is an amino acid called L-theanine, which has been discovered to relax the body and mind. The aminoalkanoic acid, L-theanine, elevates alpha brainwave activity which, in turn, brings up the amount of Serotonin and Dopamine released which helps you to feel relaxed.

A group of adult males and females, taking part in a study, drank Wuyi Cliff Oolong green tea for fifteen days. The end result showed an impressive 50% lessening of free radicals for all participants. Lowering the amount of free radicals in your body is a crucial point in slowing down the process of aging. You can reduce your risk of heart problems by 26% merely by drinking two or more cups of Wu Long Tea every day. While working to live green to save the environment is a challenge, you need to make an effort to live green for your own health.

One small step that you can take to improve your health better is by drinking green tea on a regular basis. Without a doubt, the best tea on the market nowadays is Tava Tea. To protect your health, begin taking in Tava Tea, the healthiest green tea.

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