Spiritual Life Coaching: The Best Modalities

Spiritual Life Coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the modalities tailored for your spiritual growth. Specific transformational modalities for Spiritual Life Coaching will be used to provide you with the tools, techniques, and psychology you’ll need to actualize your spiritual objectives. The best transformational modalities are as follows:

Spiritual Life Coaching: Identifying a Pain-Body Attack

Like the spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, I view the pain-body as being a separate, invisible, parasitical entity. When looking at it as a psychic parasite, it is easier to practice non-judgment and compassion for the individual who is hosting the pain-body parasite. We can make a distinction between the soul and the emotionally violent entity that has taken over that soul. It’s difficult to do when that host is hurting you and everyone around them, but it is imperative if you want to remain conscious. Otherwise you may fall prey to the pain-body as well. Pain-body work from a spiritual life coach can be very therapeutic for those who have heavy pain-bodies.

Life Counseling – The Law of Attraction

Belief is the most powerful creative tool we have. Without believe, no amount of thinking or feeling would be able to manifest a single form. When we fail to believe in what we are attempting to create, we fail to create. It’s that simple. The law of attraction does not work on positive thoughts alone, no matter what you’ve read or heard. It can’t. Thoughts are only the beginning of the equation. The second part is emotion. Thoughts combined with emotions become very powerful. But the third and most important part of the equation of creation is belief.

Spiritual Life Coaching – The Physics of Consciousness

Quantum mechanics postulates that nothing really happens in the physical world unless a conscious mind observes it. In other words, consciousness must perceive what it creates in order for that creation to exist. This can be corroborated in the dream world. When we dream, we create our dream and perceive our dream so seamlessly that we are unaware that we, are in fact, the dreamer.

Spiritual Life Coaching – The 2D Source Reality

Let’s say you take a full body holographic photo of yourself. You then take the holographic photo of yourself and crop it down to a smaller size so that it shows only your face. If you then enlarge that portion of the photo to the original size, you will not get a large photo of your face, but the original photo of your fully body. In a hologram, each individual part of the whole contains the whole in condensed form. The part is in the whole and the whole is in the part. This describes the phenomenon of string theory known as the holographic principle.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Developing Supernatural Powers

In the past, parapsychological phenomena has been thought to have something to do with electromagnetic fields or various energetic forces. However, the supernatural abilities of levitation, telekinesis, teleportation, remote viewing, and telepathy tend to transcend spacetime boundaries and produce problems for those espousing to explain models based on energy.