Spiritual Life Coaching: Identifying a Pain-Body Attack

Like the spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, I view the pain-body as being a separate, invisible, parasitical entity. When looking at it as a psychic parasite, it is easier to practice non-judgment and compassion for the individual who is hosting the pain-body parasite. We can make a distinction between the soul and the emotionally violent entity that has taken over that soul. It’s difficult to do when that host is hurting you and everyone around them, but it is imperative if you want to remain conscious. Otherwise you may fall prey to the pain-body as well. Pain-body work from a spiritual life coach can be very therapeutic for those who have heavy pain-bodies.

In a full-blown pain-body attack, there are usually five stages in which it escalates. There is a potential sixth stage which is physical violence, but that is only in a small proportion of the cases. A pain-body specialist such as a spiritual life coach can help a pain-body host to identify the parasite so that it can be healed.

The first stage of a pain-body attack is when the host initiates an argument. Much of the time the argument will be over something completely meaningless. The pain-body host is so obsessed about expressing his or her own viewpoint that the topic’s importance is irrelevant.

The second stage is when the face becomes twisted and repulsively contorted during the argument stage. The eyes will change dramatically, become sick-like, frightened yet fierce, and always expressing a look of hatred, disgust, and contempt. While arguing with these hosts during their pain-body possessions, there will be no light in the eyes and no hint of humanity displayed. The person that was once there will be gone and they will no longer be listening to you.

The third stage is when the pain-body begins pushing your buttons. It will instinctively know every-single-one of your weaknesses, i.e. what gets under your skin the most, and will proceed to push your wounded “pressure points” until it provokes a reaction from you. It needs a reaction from you because this is energy for it to feed on.

The fourth stage is when the host raises her voice in an attempt to drown out yours. In this way, the pain-body host tries to violently force her opinion down your throat simply by turning up the volume of her own speech. Her aim is to convince you that she is right, at all costs.

The fifth stage is when the pain-body adds foul language to the mix because curse words are more cutting and therefore more effective at provoking a reaction from you. If this proves to be ineffective, the host may resort to picking up a physical object (such as a cell phone) and throwing it at you. And you can’t win against the pain-body. It’s futile to try, and any attempt will only make it stronger.

In the worst case scenario, the pain-body alienates and desensitizes the human being into an inanimate object. It is at this level of consciousness where physical violence is rationalized. This is the sixth stage of a pain-body attack. Although this stage represents a relatively small percentage of attacks, it still generates a significant problem for society. We can observe this sixth stage attack in the child molestations, bullying, domestic violence, physical brutality, road rage, rapes, murders, terrorism, and wars that plague our society. This stage represents the extreme shadow opposite of who we are–the darkest side of human experience.

Spiritual life coaching with a good pain-body program can provide you with all the tools of healing you’ll need to create a space in between your true Self (pure consciousness) and the pain-body. This will begin your journey toward dissolving your chronic emotional pain and living a life of peace, balance, and tranquility.

In 2007, Spiritual Life Coach, Jason Lincoln Jeffers founded The Art of Transformation, a company focused on teaching Spiritual Enlightenment to the world. His Spiritual Life Coaching practice uniquely melds spiritual wisdom with ego transcendence, holistic health, life path astrology, shadow work, pain-body work, heart-brain intention, the power of presence, and the law of attraction.

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