Spiritual Life Coaching: A Guided Meditation for Healing Your First Trauma

This Spiritual Life Coaching exercise will help you to commence a new and transcendent path filled with peace, joy, and tranquility. It is a guided meditation for those who seek to heal their primal wound and early childhood trauma. If you practice it once three times a week for three months, you should begin to transcend your emotional pain-body and dissolve your toxic emotions…for good.

Spiritual Life Coaching: Becoming Lucid in the Dream of Life

Have you ever noticed that you can’t remember the beginning of a dream? When you’re dreaming, you never stop and think, “How did I get here?” You just take it for granted that there was a beginning. This is reality. It’s much like the waking life in that before the age of three, we don’t really remember much at all. One day we just arrived into our “dream of life,” not knowing precisely how we got here.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Observing the Pain-Body

No matter how much meditation or spiritual practice you do, until you comprehend how the pain-body manifests itself through you and through others, you will be tricked by it and subsequently slip back into unconsciousness every time it resurfaces. The first step is to realize that you have a pain-body inside of you. Think of it as a body or field of energy that prospers through your own anger, hatred, heaviness, anxiety, depression, stress, and fears of impending doom. However it manifests, it will be causing you to re-experience your early childhood trauma which is the time when your pain-body began to manifest.

Spiritual Life Coaching: Shadow Work for Intolerance

Intolerance, racism, homophobia, and bigotry are extreme forms of disrespect for another human being. The shadow will judge another human being based on race, creed, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, and status. In so doing, it desensitizes and diminishes a soul into an inanimate object. The shadow does this in order to cloak the heart into the false perception that the person with whom it is stereotyping is somehow less than a life form. This is the shadow’s biggest trick when it comes to shielding itself against the boundless compassion of the heart.

Spiritual Life Coaching: Relieving Stress & Toxic Emotions

How you do you transcend your shadow? By silently observing it in your family, in your friends, in public personalities, and finally, in yourself. Over time, paying attention to your shadow will preserve you in a state of non-drama, non-conflict, and non-reaction. The other day I overheard a young woman say to her friend, “What would life be without drama?” And she said it in a way implying that life wouldn’t be any fun without drama. Well, if she had asked me, I would have told her that life would be stress and anxiety free and full of boundless joy.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Protecting Yourself from Bullies in the Workplace

In the workplace, pain-body bullies will seek out pain-body victims amongst co-workers or subordinates. Sometimes it happens when the bully is a boss or superior who feels that they have earned a “free pass” to mentally bully subordinates. Whatever the case, the bully will act as a pain transmitter who garners temporary relief from their own pain by transferring it on to a receiver, i.e. victim or prey. If you have been a victim and you are truly ready to draw healthy boundaries, then you will benefit greatly from Spiritual Life Coaching.