Eating Nutritious Food To Lessen Bloating And Swelling Up In Pregnancy

One of the most general fears of pregnant women is bloating in pregnancy. This is mostly due to the fact that a pregnant woman’s digestion decelerates significantly, since the digestive tract spends more time in taking in nutrients from the foods that you eat. Your body basically now has 2 mouths to feed in, so it is but natural for it to try to capture the most out of the foods you consume. Because of this, the nutrient lasts out longer in your gastrointestinal tract to assist in the absorption procedure. While this is a beneficial thing, this might also lead to an uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the stomach. Pregnant females often feel bloated, and this can also lead to constipation and other troubles associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

My Weight Loss

A few people requested that I do a video on how I’ve lost all (and then some) of my baby weight. So here it is! I’ve lost 15 pounds and gone down 2 sizes in one month. I still want to lose 10lbs, but I’m slowing down on the dieting. I’m gonna slowly lose the…