Finding the Right Online Life Coach for You

Ideally, the best online life coaching should meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate tools for your healing. The transformational tools that are utilized by your online life coach should empower you to reach your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives. When looking for the best online life coach for you, it is wise to determine whether or not he or she is an expert on the following healing modalities:

Spiritual Life Coaching: Relieving Stress & Toxic Emotions

How you do you transcend your shadow? By silently observing it in your family, in your friends, in public personalities, and finally, in yourself. Over time, paying attention to your shadow will preserve you in a state of non-drama, non-conflict, and non-reaction. The other day I overheard a young woman say to her friend, “What would life be without drama?” And she said it in a way implying that life wouldn’t be any fun without drama. Well, if she had asked me, I would have told her that life would be stress and anxiety free and full of boundless joy.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Protecting Yourself from Bullies in the Workplace

In the workplace, pain-body bullies will seek out pain-body victims amongst co-workers or subordinates. Sometimes it happens when the bully is a boss or superior who feels that they have earned a “free pass” to mentally bully subordinates. Whatever the case, the bully will act as a pain transmitter who garners temporary relief from their own pain by transferring it on to a receiver, i.e. victim or prey. If you have been a victim and you are truly ready to draw healthy boundaries, then you will benefit greatly from Spiritual Life Coaching.

Spiritual Life Coaching: The Best Modalities

Spiritual Life Coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the modalities tailored for your spiritual growth. Specific transformational modalities for Spiritual Life Coaching will be used to provide you with the tools, techniques, and psychology you’ll need to actualize your spiritual objectives. The best transformational modalities are as follows:

Spiritual Life Coaching: Identifying a Pain-Body Attack

Like the spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, I view the pain-body as being a separate, invisible, parasitical entity. When looking at it as a psychic parasite, it is easier to practice non-judgment and compassion for the individual who is hosting the pain-body parasite. We can make a distinction between the soul and the emotionally violent entity that has taken over that soul. It’s difficult to do when that host is hurting you and everyone around them, but it is imperative if you want to remain conscious. Otherwise you may fall prey to the pain-body as well. Pain-body work from a spiritual life coach can be very therapeutic for those who have heavy pain-bodies.

The Best Online Life Coaches and Online Life Coaching Programs

The best online life coaches will address your individual needs, establish your specific goals and implement the appropriate life-changing modalities for your personal growth. These life coaching modalities will be implemented to provide you with all the tools, techniques, and psychology you’ll need to actualize your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives.