CNA Medical Duties

It should be noted that the Medical Assistant is not the same as a CNA medical, as the latter is an Assistant nurse who works under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. By going in for a CNA medical course, you can pursue a nursing career. Both the medical assistant and the CNA have similar jobs to do, such as keeping the records of patients and helping them with their medicines, but the CNA must also perform other duties related to the bedside aid of the patients, which the Medical Assistant does not do.

Who is a CNA

A certified nursing assistant is also known as a CNA, whose work involves aiding sick or disabled people in nursing homes, with their regular activities. They also provide services in all types of hospitals and take care of the bedside needs of patients. However, they can only work under the guidance of Registered nurses. There are also many CNAs who work in the homes of elderly or sick people, as they are too old or sick to look after themselves.