Prevent Asian Flush

People searching for an Asian flush remedy have been confused and bombarded by ridiculous advertisements with promises of containing an Asian flush remedy. Tonics and pills sold over the internet while they may produce results in certain individuals do not always meet work on everybody because of the different make up of each individuals body.

To find an Asian lush remedy you need to understand what causes Asian flush. The lack of an enzyme called ALDH2 which is in part responsible for the breakdown of alcohol is the root of the problem. As alcohol is metabolised in the body, a byproduct called acetaldehyde is then produced. This byproduct is poisons and must be further broken down into things which out body can properly digest. however, because individuals with Asian flush do not have sufficient stores of ALDH2 in their bodies, this poisonous acetaldehyde builds up and causes the reactions associated with Asian flush – red face, dizziness, hives, and nausea.

Asian flush and alcohol flush reaction is NOT an allergy. An allergic reaction to alcohol and the condition known as Asian flush are two very different things. Though the symptoms may be similar in some cases, the reason for the reactions is very different and must be understood in order to be treated properly.

So now that we understand what causes Asian flush we can move on to finding a remedy. Most tonics and wonder drugs on the market work in the same way as your typical OTC antacid like pepcid or Zantac. The four most common antacids (containing H2 blockers) which you can buy without a prescription are Tagamet-HB, Pepcid-AC, Axid-AR, and Zantac-75 with Pepcid AC having the strongest active ingredient (famotidine) and therefore being the most common choice of Asian flush remedy.

How to use Pepcid and other antacids as a way to prevent asian flush varies from person to person, and for each situation. It goes without saying that age, height, and weight come into play, as with the amount of alcohol you drink. Some people have even said that the type of alcohol they drink may have an effect on how serious their Asian flush is and how well the antacids work. Read carefully on the box about how long the antacid should would and how many you can safely take in a space of time. If you’re planning on partying all night, one antacid may not be enough, especially with the large amount of alcohol affecting the number of time you go to toilet. Though in general, overuse of antacids won’t lead to any immediate or serious health risks, over time, it is possible to develop a dependency to keep stomach acid down.

The type of Asian flush remedy you choose will depend on your lifestyle and how drinking relates to it. If you are unsure about how well an Asian flush remedy will work or of it’s dangers or long-term effects be sure to consult a professional physician.

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