Omega 3 Fatty Acids Are Necessary For People Of All Ages

Everyone can benefit from taking Omega 3 supplements, but this is especially true when it comes to pregnant women. During the third trimester of pregnancy the brain is rapidly expanding, and this process will continue once the baby is born and starts getting introduced to environmental stimuli. For this reason, infant that were born too early will be more at risk for a deficiency in these fatty acids due to the fact that they did not have the opportunity to s[spend the full third trimester in the womb where they would have been able to benefit from the lipid stores of the mother. Once a baby is born, there is a dependence upon breast milk or formula in order to obtain the necessary amount of DHA and EPA. Breast milk is an excellent source of these nutrients; however there are many formulas that lack the necessary amount of DHA for the proper development of the baby. As it turns out, all infants need DHA in their diets in order to have normal visual development and brain function.

There is a known developmental disorder called dyspraxia, which is also sometimes called developmental coordination disorder. This condition affects roughly five percent of children that are in their school age years. It is marked by certain impairment in motor function, which can cause children to have learning disabilities as well as behavior disorders. They may also have trouble adjusting psychologically to their environments, and the problem persists by eventually causing such disorders as ADHD and dyslexia. These problems will affect them long into their adult lives.

One of the most common developmental disorders in children is ADHD, and in most cases the problem will persist well into the person’s adult life. It has been shown that children who have this disorder are consistent in the fat that they all show an imbalance in fatty acids. As a matter of fact, the lack of Omega 3 has been linked to a great deal of behavior and learning disabilities affecting children. This is especially true regarding ADHD. There have also been studies that have shown a link between autism and the lack of essential fatty acids.

In addition to children, many adults are experiencing a decrease in bad cholesterol as well as an increase in the type of cholesterol that is actually healthy for the body. Just by regularly taking fish oil supplements you can significantly reduce your triglyceride levels.

Also, fish oil supplements will help those with hypertension by significantly lowering their blood pressure. This is proven by studies in which the subjects who took at least three grams of fish oil on a daily basis experienced a significant reduction in their blood pressure.

In order to effectively prevent heart disease, you can depend upon DHA and EPA from fish oil supplements to effectively lower your risk factors. Heart attack and stroke are only a couple risk factors you can avoid by regularly taking fish oil supplements.

Overall, the studies conducted regarding Omega 3 fatty acids have shown them to be not only beneficial, but required for the proper health of all people from infancy to adulthood.

I think you got lucky my fellow reader! For a limited time check the link that will show the right Omega 3 supplements for you and the health benefits they offer. Check out these exclusive products with high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids while they are still available!

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