Learning How To Recognizing Premenopausal Symptoms

Premenopause can last anywhere from a couple of years to a decade. This is the process in which a woman’s body starts to show changes that lead to Menopause. When the body stops making estrogen and progesterone, premenopausal symptoms become noticeable.

Most women start to go through the process around the age of 51. Individuals as young as 30 and as old as 55 are subject to premenopause. Going through the changes at 30 is less likely to happen, than to have a later onset of the symptoms. When looking for signs that the body is going through his process; a woman should look for 8 different signs.

A change in a woman’s period is the most common symptom. This can be different for each woman. Changes in periods, hot flashes, and emotional changes among other things can occur. There can also be changed in weight, and memory as well as skin issues can occur.

While every woman goes through changes in regards to their period, it is different in each case. Periods will stop occurring on a regular basis and become lighter in flow. If the bleeding becomes uncomfortable or heavier, an OBGYN should be consulted. Hot flashes usually accompany the changing periods, and cause uncomfortable changes in body temperature. Some women only have these for a short while and some can have them for years.

Some women go through significant mood swings during this process. The hormone levels are constantly changing, and many females have a hard time with loosing the ability to bear children. The stress that accompanies these two things can cause individuals to be irritable and depressed. If it does not go away or gets debilitating a counselors help may be needed.

While all these changes can be a pain to deal with, they are a part of life. They signify starting a new phase in life. Any symptoms that are troublesome can be managed with the help of a doctor. There are also many homeopathic remedies that help to alleviate symptoms.

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