Useful Ayurveda Treatment For Blackheads

There are a variety of effective Ayurvedic treatments for acne that can help embarrasses sufferers of this painful condition to alleviate their symptoms and improve the overall quality of their skin. Ayurvedic medicine has been used for centuries and is able to be traced back five thousand years in medical history. The very word is translated as having a knowledge of life.

Ayus in Sanskrit means life and ved can be interpreted loosely as meaning science or knowledge. The over production of an oily substance known as sebum is responsible for the formation of acne lesions. These can be characterized as inflamed pores that swell and fill with a sebum, resulting in reddened bumps. Oxidisation of the sebum often results in the formation of blackheads.

In extremely severe cases patients suffer with what is known as cystic acne. In this extreme form, large, pus filled lesions appear just below the skins surface, often infecting and resulting in irreparable scarring once healed. Acne sufferers should refrain from touching, picking, scratching or squeezing these unsightly lesions as it will only exacerbate symptoms.

Ayurveda combines exercise and diet with holistic medicines to improve the symptoms of acne. Try not to touch the lesions and avoid scratching, squeezing or picking as it may result in infections and skin damage. Use gentle cleansing products on your skin and a mild astringent rather than resorting to harsh abrasive products that will only exacerbate the inflammation.

Avoid stress and stressful situations at all costs as this will only serve to worsen your symptoms. You can also engage in activities that help to induce a relaxed mental state. This could be something as simple as spending time gardening or you could consider joining a mediation or yoga class to help you to distress.

Ensure that you get out into natural sunlight for at least one hour a day, as the skin is able to manufacture vitamin D when exposed to gentle natural light. Begin eating warm, oily foods in small quantities on a regular basis. Do not eat excessively large meals at one sitting and also avoid allowing oneself to become excessively hungry. The key is to follow a balanced diet of regular, small times, eating five to six times per day.

Avoid excessively spicy or hot foods and ensure that you chew slowly and thoroughly before swallowing. Increase your intake of fluids, preferring water, lemon and grape juice, as these have astringent, healing properties that help to cleanse toxins from the system.

Eat regular small meals every two to three hours and avoid extremely hot and spicy foods that might exacerbate inflammation. To ensure proper digestion, chew slowly and be sure to chew food finely before swallowing. The body consists of ninety percent water and it is of the utmost importance that you properly hydrate your skin by drinking increased quantities of fluids. Lemon and grape juices are good for cleansing the skin.

Alternate combinations include maricha and gorochana, using the same method as described above. Manishta, yashtimadhu and ashwaghada have also been proven to be effective in reducing acne inflammation. Effective Ayurvedic treatments for acne incorporate a focus on diet, lifestyle and medications to improve overall health and skin quality.

For the finest in natural acne treatment ideas, you can check out the search page on the Internet. A comprehensive website that shows acne reviews will give you many safe and effective choices.

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