Getting Rid Of Pigeons Is To Your Advantage

Getting rid of pigeons is better done sooner than later. These birds are known to carry mites, ticks, and even fleas. Their droppings can ruin the paint on a car or building. The nest can clog vents and drains.

The first thing you should do is make sure your buildings are tightly sealed. The birds cannot infest any area they cannot make access to. Look around your property for an opening in the rafters, awnings, or attics. These birds love out of the way areas, so be sure and seal off anything that could be used as an entry.

Some things that will act as repellents in places where the birds have set up housekeeping. The idea behind them is to make the birds so unhappy they will choose to leave. Spike strips can be purchased at hardware stores or online. The strips will make the birds feet highly uncomfortable.

A pest control professional can probably give you some good pointers. They carry chemicals that will make the bird stick to the area, or cause burns to its feet. It won’t be long before they know they have over stayed their welcome.

If you are a handyman there are things you can build to get rid of your unwanted guests. Hooking up a sprinkler system will work as the birds despise water. Apply wire with a bit of electrical current running through it. Pigeons have a repulsion to cats, snakes, and owls. If you can form a scarecrow to depict any of these hated enemies, you just may get rid of them.

If all else has failed and you are thinking of finding a way to kill the birds, check with your city ordinance. They may restrict the use of certain chemicals. Avoid ultrasonic repellents. You may as well go out and burn your money, these things are so worthless at getting rid of pigeons.

For solutions with Getting Rid of Pigeons Visit

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