Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally Utilizing Foods, Supplements, And Exercise

Cellulite is one of the annoying problems many women face today. This article will cover ways to naturally reduce cellulite in your body.

Cellulite is formed by the creation of water pockets and fat deposits which means that the most effective avenue for controlling them is through exercise and diet. Strong skin and muscles are the best preventive measures for runaway fat. Keeping the cell body firm and intact would mean keeping control over fatty deposits. An exercise program is absolutely necessary as well as proper foods and supplementation. Certain foods known for their cell-building properties can help control cellulite.


The cellulite problem is most pronounced in women who have sagging muscles and skin. Exercise and protein can reduce the stores of fat under the skin; protein helps to firm up muscles that can keep fat stores in place and reduce the dimpled effect of cellulite. Older skin, like older muscles, needs protein, especially soy protein with less fat, for toning and firming. How much protein would you need to produce firm, toned muscles? Approximately .6 gram per pound of lean body mass if you are a moderately active person and 1 gram per pound of lean body mass if you are very active. Go for lean protein in fish, especially salmon because fish provides a high dose of essential fatty acids.

Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids:

You also need amino acids that help build the skin’s store of collagen and elastin. The best sources for these are complex carbohydrates like beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit. These provide your body with essential fatty acids that slow down the division of skin cells, thus reducing the incidence of mutations and inflammation within these cells, even when they are exposed to ultra violet light. All cells in the human body are surrounded by a membrane composed of phospholipids made chiefly from essential fatty acids. This membrane controls what goes into the cells and what comes out. A good source of essential fatty acids would literally fortify the cell membrane and keep the cell body intact. Research shows that supplementation with fish oil and flaxseed oil can produce marked improvement in skin texture and tone within the first 2 months of use. Because the outer skin replaces itself every 50-80 days, proper supplementation can have a direct and firming effect on skin.


Glucosamine helps strengthen the joints by restoring moisture around the joints and keeping the cel tissues hydrated. This will also help you strengthen your skin as well. There have already been numerous studies in recent years showing that glucosamine has strengthened skin and decreased scarring in patients post-surgery. If it helps them, it will definitely help a normal person just looking to take advantage of supplements to give them the extra edge in strengthening their body and their cel walls.

Of course, dietary supplementation and diets are only half effective without exercise. There is no doubt that cellulite can be improved with exercise.

Wayne Westcott Ph.D, director of research programs at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachussetts, produced workout routines that showed an appreciable decrease in cellulite. Dr. Westcott conducted a two month study with overweight women and had them exercise 20 minutes three times a week in cardio, strength, and stretching exercises. Not only did the participants lose weight and fat, but through ultrasound measurements they also lost cellulite.

In closing, the best way to get rid of cellulite naturally is to strengthen your muscles and your skin. To do this, add to your lifestyle a combination of moderate exercise three times a week and a diet of lean protein and a variety of complex carbohydrates. To get more of an edge, look to supplementing with fish oil or flaxseed oil as well as glucosamine. Glucosamine is often sold these days with another supplement called Chondroiton. Both are helpful in strengthening joints and skin.

Thank you for reading and I hope these tips will take you far in your quest for cellulite reduction!

Want to Get Rid Of Cellulite naturally? Need reliable information on all types of Cellulite Treatment, both invasive and non-invasive? Check out Abbie’s websites for the best info on treatment for cellulite.

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