Where Can I Find Natural Remedies?

Natural Remedies are everywhere; they are literally all around us in the form of plants, trees, foods and things you find in the house. They are also increasingly popular in treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, Ayurveda, reflexology and Reiki. The names for this type of treatment such as complimentary or alternative indicate their status as different from conventional medicine. Any intervention intended to improve health which does not use drugs or manufactured items can be called natural.

Manufactured medicine often has a bad reputation due to the side effects they can cause. This prompts people to look for an alternative treatment and often they seek a natural one. When the problem is not serious this can be easy such as finding a home remedy.

Natural medicines often have a strong cultural aspect from the cures your granny knew to Chinese herbal medicine. The knowledge has been passed through the generations and people have strong emotional connections to these remedies.

Herbal remedies are used a huge amount all around the world and knowledge of local herbs is an ancient practice in many places. In the highest areas of the Andes Mountains in South America the indigenous people have chewed the coca leaf to help with the effects of altitude for many centuries. Modern research has shown a number of chemicals in the leaves which help the lungs to oxygenate and provide stamina. Some places have lost the herbal knowledge as modern medicine has taken over but in others it is still very strong. Chinese medicine has been using herbs for millennia and is still doing so. The Chinese have taken their tradition all around the world as they have emigrated and many people in other countries use them too. Pharmaceutical companies have produced many medicines from compounds found in plants.

As modern science figures out the causes of disease it seems that natural substances can often help. For example, Omega 3 oils can help with cardio-vascular diseases. There are many supplements and extracts available which can help relieve or prevent lots of health problems.

There are many types of natural remedy available these days. They can help with a broad range of health problems.

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