Ganglion Cyst Ankle

Today, one of the common medical problem is that a lot of individuals experience are pain in their feet. The wrists and the hands are the common sites for ganglion cyst but, sometimes a ganglion cyst ankle develops. Athletes and runners are at high risk of having this kind of ganglion cyst. Ankle sprains and strains can irritate and tear the thin membranes of the tendons, which causes the leak of fluid that accumulates in its sac then forms a cyst. The internal ganglion causes the pain, soreness, and dullness on the affected area. Sometimes, symptoms are evident when the ganglion cyst causes nerve pressure or outgrows to the surrounding membrane it.

Just like for an example, the main cause of pain for athletes is due to a ganglion cyst foot. Bending or flexing could cause some discomfort.Diagnosis is typically done by means of physical examination any several imaging studies such as an ultrasound, x-ray, and MRI or magnetic resonance imaging. The fluid in the cyst is taken out and sent to the laboratory for examination.

Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) are mostly prescribed by doctors to manage pain caused by the cyst. Local anesthetics and steroids might be injected into the cysts which cause severe pain or other symptoms. Surgical procedure for ganglion cyst ankle is performed in the operating room or in the outpatient facility. In fact, this is considered to be the best cure for cyst. However, if the entire ganglion cysts and its peripheries is not removed, most probably it could recur anytime.

People with ganglion cyst foot will have a small or large lump that is mostly seen in the top of their foot. When the patient feel comfortable, they may proceed to their normal activities. After a ganglion cyst ankle surgical procedure, the possible complications are bleeding, infection, severe inflammation, dizziness, headache, painful sensation in the surgical site. Hardening or calcification of the ganglion cyst is unusual.

But, the best thing to do is to prevent this condition to occur. Exercises like running, jogging, or jumping can help the muscle to be strong and flexible, thus preventing the ganglion cyst ankle formation.

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