Treating SAD by Exposure to Light

Seasonal effective disorder abbreviated as SAD is a disorder that occurs in seasons when there is insufficient sun light. The sunlight aids in the secretion of certain hormone and neurotransmitters that help to increase energy level and in the improvement of mood. In the absence of sunlight or in season when sunlight is not intense, there is a drastic drop in the level of certain chemicals and this can lead to symptoms of SAD. There are different ways through which such conditions can be treated. However, exposure to artificial light emitted by a light box can help in the treatment of SAD.

SAD light imitates the action of sunlight on the body. So, exposure to it will cause similar effects of the sunlight on the body. Normally, there is a light box that emits the artificial SAD light. The person undergoing the therapy will normally sit close to the light in order to receive the light. He or she can also walk around the light box. When you expose yourself to the light, make sure that the light enters your eyes indirectly. This means that you should keep your eyes open but you should not look at the light directly in order not to damage your eyes.

Light boxes differ from each other. There are some light boxes that are automatic and have features that can simulate dawn. Such light boxes are capable of turning on in the morning when you have not woken up and the intensity will gradually increase before you wake up.

There are certain things that you should do in order to increase the effectiveness of SAD light. The first thing that matters is the timing. The issue here is the duration you are expected to expose yourself to the SAD light. At the beginning of the therapy, you should start by limiting yourself to 15 minutes exposure. You will gradually increase the duration even up to 2 hours. However, you should know that there is no stipulated duration that you can expose yourself to the light box.

There are certain indices that are considered in this regard. First, you should always consider the intensity of the light emitted by your light box. If the intensity is not high then you need to stay for a longer time in order to get enough light. Secondly, if your light box does not eliminate UV light then it will be dangerous for you to expose yourself for a longer time to the light.

The intensity of your light box does not only determine the time you will stay under the light but how far you stay away from the light box. The intensity of the light emitted by light box is measured in lux which refers to the amount of light you receive at a particular distance away from the light box. The duration for 10,000 lux for example is about 30 minutes. If the intensity of the light box is up to 2,500 then you have to stay up to 2 hours under the light.

It is not advisable for the light therapy to be done at night. The best time to apply the therapy is early in the morning. Besides, doing it at night will disturb your sleep. To be on the safer side, it is advisable that you meet with your doctor so that he or she will help schedule the right time for the SAD light that will suit you very well.

Exposure to SAD light can be helpful in the reduction of the symptoms of SAD. Visit the author’s blog for detailed information on this –

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