Everyday Paleo Diet Will Rock Your Well-Being

If you are wondering what the buzz is on the Paleolithic diet, you are not alone. Both the weight-loss industry and the health care advocates are arguing its merit. The everyday Paleo diet, as all diets that are newly promulgated, is causing a controversy, while its adherents stand by the findings.

If you are unfamiliar with its philosophy, it is very simple: what the cavemen and women ate is all you really need and by omitting the fabricated modern-day foods from your diet, you will not only shed weight, but lose the health problems. Billed not as a diet, but a wellness program, weight loss is the bonus.

The Paleolithics, our foraging ancestors, ate meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables and nuts. They most certainly did not consume dairy products, refined sugars, grains and oils. This diet is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Say farewell to those packaged foods; trash all the junk food. Avoid the dairy aisle and skip right past the bakery section. Honey can be used as a sweetener but in moderation. The daily diet ratios are 55-65 percent animal protein, 36-45 percent from plant food. Despite its primitive sounding name, this diet is as sophisticated and has much in common with The Mediterranean Diet or the Raw Foods Movement currently in vogue.

As an adherent to this eating plan, you can expect an increased energy level, better sleep at night, controlled moods, and the alleviation of body aches and joint pains. Your sinuses will clear with lack of mucus from dairy. It is said you may be healed of any or all modern illnesses.

The everyday Paleo diet should also cut down on your food bill. The one extravagance is organic offerings in produce, seafood and meat. But what you save by eliminating the many processed, packaged foods and sweets will more than make up for that expense. And with no alcohol allowed, there is another big savings.

Everyday Paleo is one of the new dietary plans for losing weight that are constantly being promoted. The Every Day Paleo food plan makes good sense when you follow it closely.

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