Effective Abdominal Exercises To Do

If you want to firm up your abdominal muscles, you need to not only do abdominal exercises, but also follow a suitable, healthy diet. For effectiveness, the exercises must be done on at least 3 occasions every week. Start slowly, bearing in mind your fitness level.

As soon as you feel comfortable increasing the amount of repeats of the exercises, you will not have to do all the different exercises. Pick those that you feel you get the most benefit from. Vary your exercise routine as the weeks go by.

Vertical leg crunch exercises are very effective for this purpose. Lie flat on the floor and push your legs up in the air. Keep your legs crossed at your knees. You should put your hands down on the ground if you require support.

Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulder blades off the floor as if you are reaching your chest towards your feet. Keep your legs in a fixed position. When you reach as far as you can lift your shoulders, press your belly button down towards your spine. Lower your legs and repeat as many times as you can.

The bicycle exercise requires you to lie down on the floor, keeping your lower back flat down on the floor. Put your hands on the side of your head. Raise your shoulder blades from the floor. Do not pull your neck forward to get into this position. Pull your knees up into a 45 degree angle and start a bicycle pedal action. When you bring your right knee up, turn your body to bring your left elbow forward, and touch your knee.

Do the same with the right elbow to the left knee. Do as many repeats as you can comfortably handle. Keep your breathing relaxed throughout the exercise. There are many other abdominal exercises that will help you lose inches and firm up your muscles.

If you truly want to learn more about this topic, then I suggest you check out the web’s best resource on this, go to this site now!: lower ab workout and how to get ripped abs

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