Defining Alopecia Hair Loss In Women

There are a couple of health sites out there that lump alopecia hair loss in one clause. To properly define the condition though, it is more appropriate to regard the two as the same. To be more exact, hair loss is called alopecia in the medical world. This condition is generally characterized by the profuse loss of hair. The term however is quite general. Some people really suffer from particular types of alopecia. This is the reason why more reliable sources make specific references in describing the condition. An individual may be experiencing just one type.

Majority of hair fall sufferers have what is known as androgenetic alopecia. This is the most popular of all the specific conditions. Men who have it are most often seen with wide hairless areas on the scalp. Remaining hair growth may be limited to the back and bottom sides of the scalp. In women, the condition is defined only by diffuse hair thinning. They don’t really end up with bald heads. What is commonly blamed for this condition is genetic inheritance and hormonal activity. Balding may run in the family plus the male hormone DHT may contribute to degrading the hair follicles. The reason why women experience it too is because they also carry the hormone in their bodies.

Another hair fall type is alopecia aratea. This can lead to bare patches on the scalp. This is commonly regarded as an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the hair follicles, thereby causing the hair loss. Females are not exempt from this type of the condition. The real reason why the immune system sometimes goes berserk is still unknown. Some experts point out that the condition may also be accompanied by serious medical conditions such as lupus and vitiligo.

Traction alopecia is more common than alopecia aratea. It is also better defined and can be prevented. People who suffer from it are usually those who sport hairstyles that are very tight such as braids and buns. Hair strands can get uprooted in clumps because of tight styles. The end result is that wounds can form in the areas where hair has been uprooted. These can turn into scars. This can stop hair from growing back.

There are also a couple of individuals who are prone to telogen effluvium. This happens when an individual becomes too stressed out. The cause of tension can be either physical or emotional. Those who have just given birth for example or those who have just undergone severe ailments may notice hair fall of this type. There is also a possibility that difficult personal relationships may cause the kind of severe emotional stress that can adversely affect hair. The best remedy for this condition is to relieve stress and anxiety.

There is no reason to think that women don’t suffer from hair fall as well. They can and they do experience it. What is crucial to keep in mind is that there is no reason to panic at all. Most cases of female hair loss aren’t irreversible.

Wondering how to stop hair loss? Read about it at

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