Cure Acne at Home With Proven Home Remedies

There are many approaches to curing acne, ranging from home remedies to drugs prescribed by a dermatologist. Make an appointment with a dermatologist if acne is severe but if your skin isn’t that bad, then consider trying a few home remedies. Many home remedies are just as effective as store bought products and some maybe even more effective. The home remedies covered below are proven to work but do not necessarily work for everyone.

Aloe vera is one of the best natural home remedies for acne. If you want to clear up your acne and reduce acne scars, then try aloe vera, which is known for its healing properties. Aloe vera will reduce swelling, soften the skin, prevent future outbreaks, and reduce redness. Another option to applying aloe vera to your face would be to purchase aloe vera juice. You could also look from skin care products, which already contain aloe vera. Think about growing your own aloe vera plants at home. You will always have a supply of fresh aloe vera gel on hand to apply to your acne. Of course, it’s also great for your skin in general, even in areas where there’s no acne.

Another approach to treating acne is from the inside out through diet and by creating your own facial masks. You can use a juicer and make cucumber juice to drink, and you can also make a skin treatment with this very healthy vegetable. Apply cool cucumber slices to your face. Leave the cucumber slices in place for 20 minutes. Using ginger and turmeric, you can make a very effective facial treatment. High in amino acids and minerals, cucumbers will leave your face feeling moisturized. Not only is it good for healing acne, but it can help reduce wrinkles and make your face look younger. If you aren’t one to make your own facial masks, you can also purchase skin care products which contain cucumber.

Using lemon juice to cure acne is easy. Lemon just is applied the face and left on overnight. In the morning wash the lemon juice off. Fresh lemon juice is more powerful than store-bought lemon juice. Lemon juice can be diluted with a small amount of water if you find the juice too acidic.

Therefore over exposure to the sun’s rays may actually make your acne even worse! Then again, you shouldn’t avoid the sun altogether because smaller doses of sunlight is healthy for your skin. Remember, there is not really any excuse to lay in the sunshine for hours on end with the hopes of curing acne because it will not work.

Remember, not all acne home remedies work for everyone. You may have to try several until you find what works best to clear up your acne. Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important when treating acne blemishes. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep, will all help clear up skin. Switching to a healthy lifestyle, using tea tree oil, and honey are all effective methods to healing acne and preventing future pimples from occurring.

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