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When you wish to change the shade of your teeth to a much desirable colour, there are various options that you can choose to employ. They have come up with different kinds of toothpastes that will conquer all types of tooth problems to keep them clean and healthy. There are even some whitening toothpastes that are available today to help to prevent stains from becoming prominent on the teeth between whitening them.

First, they go with personal preferences as well as different products that are highly recommended by experts. There are many other factors that will influence you to choosing methods.The Colgate teeth whitening gel works much more quickly than other brands that usually take two weeks for at least a half and hour per day to get the teeth as white as the user wants them to be.

The Colgate teeth whitening gels are only available through various dental offices that use these kits. These are professional grade products that are helping to revolutionize the market today. The first step in the Colgate teeth whitening gel process is to get a tray that is custom fitted from the dentist’s office. Usually this requires the office to take a mold of the teeth so that the user can come back in a few days to get the constructed tray. The tray is custom fitted to the shape of the teeth from the mold which means that the Colgate teeth whitening gel will be pressed very effectively against the teeth during the whitening process.

Once the tray is fitted, then the Colgate teeth whitening gel kit contains all that the person needs. There is a case for the tray so that it does not have to sit loose in the kit. There are four syringes full of the teeth whitening gel by Colgate that make it easy for the individuals to fill the tray when needed without wasting the gel. The tray is then placed in the user’s mouth over the teeth which will be whitened. Often people will only get a tray made for the upper teeth since they are usually the ones that show when smiling.

Some people have no idea where to find user reviews in plenty. Online there are sites that are dedicated to offering reviews on different products.The Colgate teeth whitening gel only takes about thirty minutes a day for three days to get the results desired. This is much less time than other kit. but is not as fast as the Rembrandt teeth whitening gel. It also has different flavors for the people to choose from so that the bleach taste does not stick in their mouths. It is available in mint flavor and melon flavor.

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