E Cigarettes: An Informative FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Electronic cigarettes, a.k.a. e cigs, are a fairly innovative element in the battle against smoking and smoke-related illnesses. Alas, people are so misinformed concerning these gadgets. Lots of folks don’t know if these e cigs are safe, and wonder if they are simply another smoke cessation assistant. It is a fact that the e cig is totally safe, and was not deliberated as a cease-smoking device. E cigarettes are purposed as an option to traditional cigarettes which can be used in locations where you can’t smoke normal cigarettes. These are some of the general questions folks have concerning the e cig, plus some educational answers.

Q, How close to the real thing are e cigarettes?

A. A tobacco cigarette delivers nicotine to the body, and so does the e cig. The vapour you inhale tastes, feels, and looks exactly like tobacco smoke, but doesn’t pose any danger of passive smoking to those around you. It’s been widely reported that even people who once smoked as many as 40 cigarettes per day have successfully transitioned permanently to e cigs.

Q. How risk-free are e cigarettes?

A. It is a fact that electronic cigarettes are less dangerous than tobacco smoke; this smoke has more than 4000 poisonous elements and chemicals, one of which is carbon monoxide. An electronic cigarette doesn’t give off smoke. A nicotine vapour is taken in, and a non-toxic water vapour which has no cancer-causing chemicals that are in tobacco smoke is exhaled. The fact is that a statement from the Royal College of Physicians declares that nicotine itself will not cause lasting adverse effects. So if you use them as you should, e cigs are not harmful.

Q. Can I utilise e cigarettes to help me not to smoke?

A. You need to comprehend that e cigs were not manufactured as a smoking cessation device. They are designed to aid smokers who must find a substitute for tobacco so that they can smoke anyplace. Nevertheless, just as nicotine gum and patches, they seem to help in smoke deterring programmes.

Q. How do I choose my nicotine level when implementing e cigarettes?

A. Selecting the right level of nicotine for the e cig to supply is reliant on many factors, such as the frequency of your smoking, the length of time you have smoked, as well as the potency of your inhaling. The rules are not fixed concerning the quantity of nicotine you use. If you are transitioning over to e cigs, listen to what you body tells you. If a small dose makes you still crave, you need to up the dose to make the cravings diminish. You just have to tolerantly try until you get it right. Keep in mind, however, that these e cigs will not dispense as much nicotine as will normal tobacco cigarettes; furthermore, the nicotine is not absorbed as quickly.

Q. Are e cigarettes subject to the smoking ban?

A. No. Because the e cig is flameless, you can use it wherever and whenever you wish.

E cigarettes are now the most effective option for smoking anywhere and anytime you please.

Want to learn more about tobacco alternatives like the NICOCIG E Cigarettes, a less harmful and more socially acceptable way to get the sensation of smoking? For more on the E Cigarettes and options; please visit the Nicocig website.

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