Medical Weight Loss

There are many that struggle with their weight, and they are always trying to get some off. If you have just a few stubborn pounds that won’t go away, you don’t have much to worry about other than the way that you look. However, those with much more to lose are often at risk for…

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Low Carb Cooking

Anyone following any of the low carb lifestyle changes will have to learn a new way of eating and cooking. Unlike the low-fat kind of diets, these tend to offer more food choices that people love. These foods can be combined in hundreds of different ways. Though it might take some practice, anyone can learn…

Low Acid Coffee

I love coffee. I absolutely love it and have several cups everyday. I also suffer from stomach problems and have for many years. About eight years ago I was diagnosed with an ulcer and have since been diagnosed with acid reflux disease. I was surprised to find out that acid reflux disease runs in my…

Juvenile Diabetes and School

The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation is an organization dedicated to helping children and teens who have diabetic conditions. This association offers many benefits to young people affected by these syndromes and their families as well. Now the organization has brought this disorder to the forefront in schools as well. Many typical students have some difficulty understanding…


Health Food Store

In the last twenty-some years, we’ve all started to pay more attention to our health. We’ve come to realize that what we eat and some poor lifestyle habits, play a significant role in many conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. The incidence of such diseases is on the rise, far more prevalent…